Posted by Adjust the new hoard

🛸 Vethale (G2
Bast) (#147289)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2020-02-29 03:59:17
Please, make all the categories visible like they were before. It's just really annoying having to click to even view which ones are there and then having to pick one again.
Having them all visible at the top would be a lot easier, faster and user-friendly

(Also, while I'm at it. The "bury all" and "dig up all" buttons need to be a little... further away or colored differently. Burying certain items gives me anxiety because everytime im scared ill click on the wrong button and now have ten thousand items buried. I have to read the confirmation a few times just to be sure. Setting it a bit apart would be extremely helpful)

This suggestion has 23 supports and 5 NO supports.

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