Posted by [Destiny's Roleplay Page]

Cal (#181342)

Prince of the Savannah
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2020-03-01 10:48:34

Status: OPEN

Welcome to my roleplay page!

My name is Destiny if you didn't know already, and I'm an artist and roleplayer! I'm looking for (a) roleplay partner(s) that are primarily available on Discord and who are willing to keep a constant roleplay. Most of my roleplays are semi-literate, so I would prefer if these are as well.

That being said, I do not expect anyone to be online for every second of every day, I simply ask to not be suddenly left without a response with no explanation for months on end. It happens to many times, and all I ask is a simple message explaining that you're busy.

Besides that, here's a list of what I can and can't/will not do. Beside the "will do" topics will be a label that says how experienced I am with each.

I will do...
Romance - Experienced
I can do any kind of pairing, although I am most experienced with MxM
Fantasy/Adventure/Action - Experienced
Midieval - Not as Experienced
Fandoms w/ Above Topics - Semi-Experienced
Message me if you have questions on which fandoms I do. I know a lot and am active in a lot, so feel free to ask if I'm familiar with a particular one.

I can roleplay as...
Humans - Experienced
Animals - Semi-Experienced
Dragons - Semi-Experienced
Furries - Not as Experienced

I will not do...
Roleplays that contain certain topics
Some examples are rape, body-dismemberment, torture. That being said, I can handle roleplaying mild amounts of gore.

I will not roleplay as...

The above list is prone to change at any point!

If interested please reply to this thread or message me. Please provide a discord tag and your desired genre/plot. A form is available below for anyone who wants to use it.

Name: ---
Desired Genre: ---
Activity Level: ---
Literacy Level: ---
Desired Plot [Optional]: ---
Example of Writing [Preferred but Optional]: ---

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Edited on 02/03/20 @ 16:20:48 by a Moderator

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