Posted by Inbreeding along Entire Heritage

3xRos Clean (#183015)

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Posted on
2020-03-01 23:33:21
-Proposed feature change: Have a notice off to the side of the heritage screen that says something along the lines of "There are X total possible instances of inbreeding in this lion's entire lineage" along with already implemented per page # of inbreeding occurrences

Explanation: I've been coming across a lot of lions listed as clean which appear so on their first screen of heritage but aren't actually clean once you look into the great great grandparent heritage. I know inbreeding doesn't have any in game effects at this point but a lot of people value clean lions and will pay extra for them. Having a feature that shows inbreeding along a lion's entire heritage, not just up until the great great grandparents will help keep people from being scammed by lions that are listed as clean, and look clean in the first 5 generations, but aren't actually clean through their entire lineage.

The way I see it there are only 2 people that would list a lion as clean when it isnt past the first page

1) People who know but don't care that a lion is dirty and are trying to scam people to get more money (which I would assume is against CoC), or
2) New/unaware players who don't realize a lion is supposed to have all lions in its heritage be clean for that lion to also be considered clean, and/or don't realize you can click on ancestors to also see their heritage.

Since I assume we're not supposed to message either types of people, even to inform people in instance #2, a feature like this would help keep sellers honest and buyers from being scammed. If listing a lion or service as 'free' is prohibited per CoC 1.26-C when it requires payment beforehand, then I would assume listing a lion as clean when it isn't actually would fall along similar lines, and such a feature would make it a clear yes or no as to if a lion is clean or not

-Edit Mar. 8 2020: As it was brought up, yes this feature might catch people by surprise that the lions they thought where clean actually have inbreeding in their heritage, but if anything that highlights that this feature would be good to implement since after that, players would always know when there's inbreeding in a lion's heritage and would avoid buying lions like that if they're not looking for inbreeding. Sometimes things have to get 'worse' before they get better, and since lions die after some time anyways in this game, those players would be replacing them anyways and when they do, they'll be able to be sure they're actually buying lions without inbreeding and it shouldn't be a surprise problem they encounter ever again. And it wouldn't be a feature that affects a lot of lioden because most of the playerbase doesn't care about inbreeding, it would just make life that little bit easier for those that prefer to breed clean

This suggestion has 61 supports and 5 NO supports.

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Edited on 08/03/20 @ 11:29:51 by Dreamweave (Clean Ferus) (#183015)

Dream Catchers (#95572)

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Posted on
2020-03-02 00:13:48
I support but in my experience there are three types of players in terms of this

1) all clean lined lions, no in breeding what so ever

2) dirty lions all the way

3) half clean. Where u just look at the first page of heritage and it doesnt show inbreeding. Despite inbreeding past the great-great grandpaw.

But it would be convenient to have something that shows if a lion is truly clean.

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Mika The Pastel Weeb (#194191)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2020-03-08 06:10:26
I don't support though I will admit it's due to my lack of understanding. As a person who doesn't care at all about whether or not a lion is clean I think it's a little unfair on people (especially new people) who believe their lions are clean and could really use the SB from selling them off. It seems strange to me that someone could work really hard on keeping their pride clean in order to get a decent amount of SB here and there only to have to severely decrease their prices because there was a single instance of inbreeding way back when, possibly before they even joined the game. What I think would make this better would be if all heritages were cut off by a certain point so people who want to get into clean breeding don't get screwed over because of the previous owner of one of their parents bred them into each other if you get what I mean.

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3xRos Clean (#183015)

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Posted on
2020-03-08 10:53:38
-having already finished this post and gone back, honestly if someone is working -really really hard- on keeping their pride clean then they shouldn't be caught unawares by a feature like this because they'll have gone all the way through their lineages through the last lion, lions with long heritages are often not clean anyways. I strongly believe a lot of players that sell with the first page clean of inbreeding, but the rest not, just don't know that you can click on ancestor names to see their heritage too because often inbreeding pops up within one click. Or they do know because they not new and then they're scamming if you ask me.. Now back to the original

Yeah, the whole point of this feature. Is to prevent that. If there's a message showing that there's inbreeding on the very first page then a new player should know not to even buy that lion because its clear that there's inbreeding as soon as you look at the heritage page.

And anyways, the scenario you described there is pretty much the problem I ran across in the forums, if a lion has inbreeding then they shouldnt be advertised as not having any, because what happens when one day the buyer actually goes through their lions heritage that they paid extra for, trusting that the seller was right that there wasn't inbreeding, only to find that there is? That's not very fair to the buyer, I've seen plenty of people have this realization in chat and feel that they've been scammed, and it can become an endless cycle of new players not checking and then selling inbred lions as clean.

So yeah, having this feature pretty much fixes the problem you have with it because there's no wondering weather a lion has inbreeding. It might take some people by surprise when its first implemented but afterwords it'll get better because people who want to buy clean will know for sure that a lion has no inbreeding, sometimes things have to get worse before they get better but its not like lions are permanent on this game, they all die at 16yrs so people would have to replace them anyways and then they can replace them with actually clean lions.

And this is all without mentioning the fact that the majority of the playerbase buys dirty lions without batting an eye, breeding clean only really increases your profit on lions that are already rare like muties, which, not a lot of new players are gonna be able to produce anyways. I just dont think people should be making extra profit off false advertising

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AJ_Phoenix (#210517)

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Posted on
2020-06-30 11:22:22
I whole-heartedly support this

Being new to the game, yet striving to keep my pride free of inbreeding, I made a hasty decision to buy a lion with high stats that was listed as "Clean" - and when I checked further into his heritage (purely by chance), not 1 or 2 instances of inbreeding popped on the second page, but 7!

It was partly my fault for not delving further in the bloodline, but I learnt my lesson - now I bloody click away through the heritage like a maniac, which takes up a lot of time only to get the "X instance of inbreeding" notice when you're 9 or 10 generations into the heritage.

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Edited on 30/06/20 @ 14:53:38 by AJ_Phoenix (#210517)

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