Posted by [Mar] Live Poaching Encounter

kit kat πŸŽƒ (#24909)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2020-03-08 07:09:41
The exotic pet industry is steadily increasing in popularity, a huge factor being social media influence. To meet these demands, poachers live trap animals to either sell directly or to use to breed.

Oftentimes nursing females are shot or caught in snare traps that are too crippling to survive. Young animals are taken by poachers to be sold on the pet trade. While there is a HUGE variety of animals in Africa and the Middle East that are poached for the pet trade, most common are big cats (especially servals and fennec foxes)

It would be very important to spread information on how first generation exotics are obtained, just as it would be important to educate on the source of ivory and scales.

Encounter ideas:

[Editing] Serval caught in a bloody leg trap, cubs pawing at them.

[Editing] Cheetah with bloodied machete cuts on neck, cubs being taken away.

[Editing] (popular primate species in pet trade) hanging from tree snare, babies clinging onto body.

URLs to pet trade articles and poaching records

This suggestion has 23 supports and 3 NO supports.

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Polaris (#151542)

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Posted on
2020-03-10 21:28:56
No support. While it does happen and it is terrible when it does, this is couched in terms like the entire industry is evil and fueled by poaching, which smacks of propaganda exposure. I am opposed to wild capture but many exotic species have been successfully captive bred for generations.

Also remember "the pet trade" can technically involve everything from idiots keeping tigers in thier basement, to non-AZA zoos and aquariums, to things no one in their right mind gets upset about like ferrets and tarantulas.

If this does get added I think they should go with the great ape option. While not African, Orangutan babies orphaned by the palm oil industry do often end up in truly terrible hands such as Surabaya Zoo.

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Edited on 10/03/20 @ 23:09:43 by Hyenabomb (#152275)

kit kat πŸŽƒ (#24909)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2020-03-11 04:46:40
Interesting thought! I agree that many wild species have been successfully captive bred for generations, such as a variety of herps and birds. However, many larger animals such as canids or felines have a much harder time in captivity and are often neglected and abused. These encounters would focus more on primates, canids, and felines.

I'd also like to mention that ferrets are in fact domesticated, and have been domesticated for many centuries. Minks are kept in captivity but largely separate from the pet trade, so I won't diverge into that.

That does sound like a good idea but it would be hard to incorporate orangutans into Lioden encounters, I was thinking species native to Africa.

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Edited on 11/03/20 @ 04:52:47 by chamango (feed beetle) (#24909)

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