Posted by [March] Lion Poaching Awareness

The Crow (#112292)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2020-03-18 15:23:11
As we know, March is Lioden's anti-poaching event.
I've noticed that the bulk of the encounters as well as the news post focus primarily on rhinos and elephants, as poaching is a critical threat to both species in real life, as well as some other animals. Correct me if I'm wrong, but what I've noticed is that we don't see lions being targeted other than when your king engages with a poacher directly or when the random "It's a Trap!" result triggers. Even in those cases it's doubtful that the poacher was looking for lions specifically.

In Mozambique and South Africa, lion prides have been victims of poaching for their claws, bones, and teeth, which has recently become an escalating threat. Typically, the lions are poisoned with livestock carcasses, and are found with their paws and muzzles cut off. I've linked some articles below (no graphic images, but note how recent they all are), and one article focuses on anti-poaching efforts. I think Lioden should have an encounter that raises awareness of this.

One idea for the encounter would be one where your king sees a poisoned cow carcass that has been laid out by poachers. Either you directly witness humans leaving it there, or you've had experience with the dead vulture encounter that alerts you that the meat is poisoned, so you leave it alone. You see a hungry lioness coming to feed off it and you have to warn her to leave it alone.

Support if you think Lioden should raise awareness of lion poaching, and feel free to share possible encounter ideas if you have them.

This suggestion has 34 supports and 0 NO supports.

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laikapups (#123703)

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Posted on
2020-03-18 15:30:42
That's actually a really good idea.

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Humble (#180290)

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Posted on
2020-03-18 15:32:21
Perhaps have a separate, similar encounter that shows the aftermath of a lion victim to this type of poaching, similar to the one where the elephant's face is cut off?

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The Crow (#112292)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2020-03-18 15:33:04
@Thistlemaw That would be a good idea too.

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