Posted by Titles Unlocked VIA Karma Foddering

🌼 the serval
spots (#102356)

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Posted on
2020-03-19 08:39:47
Idea I had on a whim today (which may or may not have been after killing 53 lions ).

What if upon killing or nature reserving a certain amount of lions, you'd unlock titles by interval? Using the Kill/Sent Away counter on your king's page. As example numbers maybe you'd unlock a title at 50 lions, then 100, then 200, then 500, then 750, then 1000. It's a cool way to add achievement titles and also a fun chance for extremely hilariously edgy badass ones on the Kill side.

I thought up some example titles:
50 lions killed: Gruesome (NAME) or (NAME), Gruesome
100 lions killed: Cold-Hearted (NAME) or (NAME), the Cold Heart
200 lions killed: Shadow (NAME) / (NAME), the Shadow
500 lions killed: (NAME) of Darkness
750 lions killed: Abomination (NAME) or (NAME), the Abomination
1000 lions killed: Angel of Death (NAME) or (NAME), Angel of Death

50 lions reserved: Virtuous (NAME) or (NAME) the Virtuous
100 lions reserved: Savior (NAME) or (NAME), Savior
200 lions reserved: Paladin (NAME) or (NAME) the Paladin
500 lions reserved: (NAME), Giver of Life OR alternate: Legendary (NAME) or (NAME), Legendary
750 lions reserved: Guardian Angel (NAME) or (NAME), Guardian Angel
1000 lions reserved: Arbiter of Light (NAME) or (NAME), Arbiter of Light

Anyway,,, yeah, that's all. I think it's a really cool idea.

This suggestion has 65 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Edited on 19/03/20 @ 08:52:50 by the serval spots 🧡🌻 (#102356)

🐢Eggplant🐢 (#173154)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2020-03-19 08:48:00
this is so awesome :0 i love the idea of new titles, because the ones we have now are getting a little stale. usually i just chase off my lions because i don't want to waste the energy but this would definitely make it worth reserving or killing them, at least in my mind. support!

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2ros ruby (#156732)

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Posted on
2020-03-21 14:05:30
i wuv tht ur so poetic

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The Empty Kingdom (#152275)

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Posted on
2020-03-22 10:58:40
Hell yeah, those are awesome titles and would hopefully get more people killing/reserving

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Edited on 22/03/20 @ 11:00:01 by Hyenabomb (#152275)

Magnituda [sunrise
project] (#198042)

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Posted on
2021-01-30 13:25:12
OMG I need "Angel of death" for my queen. I chase only adult females so someone could possibly find them. But besides that I kill lions because I just want Villanelle to have large number of kills XD

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