Posted by Adding More Titles and Making King Usable By All

Lurhstaap [Clean
Merlot 1.1k+] (#22529)

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Posted on
2020-03-22 20:53:31
I have two related suggestions, in that both have to do with titles.

Firstly, I really wish you didn't have to have neutral karma to use the basic King title. Sometimes that's all I want, but I have one good king and one evil king. I don't want to have to try to maintain neutral alignment to be able to use that title.

I get why neutral needs and deserves its own unique title set, but I think that King, specifically, should be useable at any time by any player regardless of karma. Or there should at least be a way to buy or earn the ability to use it when you don't have neutral karma. I know we have things like King of the Jungle and True King, but it's not the same as just plain King. Sometimes simplest is best.

That's the main suggestion. But I would also like to see some specific new titles added. Some of them might work best as event titles, while others could perhaps be earned from explore encounters or in other ways? I don't really care how they're made accessible, I just want them to exist!

I will use my own kings' names to demo the suggested titles.

- (Deathlord, no "of the jungle".
Examples: Amadu'o Invictus the Deathlord, Deathlord Amadu'o Invictus
- (the) Sadist or (the) Sadistic (good for February)
Examples: Amadu'o Invictus the Sadist, The Sadistic Amadu'o Invictus
- Masochist or Masochistic (same)
Examples: Mwezi'o Ninelives the Masochist, The Masochistic Mwezi'o Ninelives
- Sadomasochist or Sadomasochistic (ditto)
Examples: The Sadomasochistic Mwezi'o Ninelives, Mwezi'o Ninelives the Sadomasochist
- Fabulous (as a counterpart or companion title for Sapphic... maybe earned by equipping a submissive male decor on your king, or making an appropriate choice in a new February event?)
Examples: Amadu'o Invictus the Fabulous, Fabulous Amadu'o Invictus
- Undying
Examples: The Undying Mwezi'o Ninelives, Mwezi'o Ninelives the Undying
- Eternal
Examples: The Eternal Amadu'o Invictus, Amadu'o Invictus the Eternal
- Moon King
Examples: Moon King Mwezi'o Ninelives, Mwezi'o Ninelives the Moon King
- Sun King
Examples: Sun King Amadu'o Invictus, Amadu'o Invictus the Sun King
- Lunar Lord
Examples: Lunar Lord Mwezi'o Ninelives, Mwezi'o Ninelives the Lunar Lord
- Solar Sovereign
Examples: Solar Sovereign Amadu'o Invictus, Amadu'o Invictus the Solar Sovereign
- Lord (as an option for everyone regardless of karma, like King)
Examples: Lord Mwezi'o Ninelives; Mwezi'o Ninelives, Lord
- Highlord
Examples: Highlord Mwezi'o Ninelives; Mwezi'o Ninelives, Highlord
- Local Celebrity
Examples: Local Celebrity Mwezi'o Ninelives, Mwezi'o Ninelives the Local Celebrity
- Determinator
Examples; Determinator Amadu'o Invictus, Amadu'o Invictus the Determinator
- Hungry
Examples: Amadu'o Invictus the Hungry, Hungry Amadu'o Invictus
- Ravenous
Examples: Amadu'o Invictus the Ravenous, Ravenous Amadu'o Invictus
- Cannibal
Examples: Amadu'o Invictus the Cannibal; Cannibal Amadu'o Invictus
- Bloody King
Examples: Bloody King Amadu'o Invictus, Amadu'o Invictus the Bloody King
- Stormrider
Examples: Stormrider Mwezi'o Ninelives; Mwezi'o Ninelives the Stormrider
Examples: Rainbringer Mwezi'o Ninelives; Mwezi'o Ninelives the Rainbringer
Storm King
Examples: Storm King Mwezi'o Ninelives; Mwezi'o Ninelives the Storm King
Examples: The Inferno Amadu'o Invictus; Amadu'o Invictus the Inferno
Examples: Firebringer Amadu'o Invictus: Amadu'o Invictus the Firebringer

This suggestion has 10 supports and 0 NO supports.

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