Posted by Wolf encounter idea (For when Wolvden is realeased
Boiii (#195736)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2020-04-01 12:20:52
I have an idea for Lioden! When Wolvden is released there could be a special encounter, it will be rare.
If you approve that would be appreciated and if you have a suggestion on how I could change it to make it better then please tel me I’d love to hear suggestions and just wanted to make a fun little encounter to celebrate Wolvdens release! So here’s my idea when Wolvden comes out there could be like a cross over where wolves come here to Lioden and there is a special encounter (rare) where wolves could give you a puppy. The pup is a item that you can equip onto your lion a ‘Growing Wolf pup’ maybe?
Do you guys like this idea?

(Just for a sense of what I’m talking about I am going to just type out the encounter then describe the image! It’s just an example though)
As you explore your territory you find the scent of a new animal.
Options: Follow or Go back to explore
Follow: You follow the strange scent to find an unusual sight, two adult things and multiple of their cubs surround them.
Go back to explore: Takes you back to explore screen
You follow the strange scent to find an unusual sight, two adult things and multiple of their cubs surround them.
Approach them: You approach them curious and ask what they are. The creatures seem on edge as you approach them and the female one speaks “We are wolves, what are you?” You respond with “I am a lion, these lands belong to prides. Where did you come from, I have never seen a wolf here before.”
Chase them off of your territory: You growl and leap out towards the strange creatures and lounge at them killing one of the pups, you chase the rest out of your territory. -5 Karma + 1 Wolf pup carcass (lower mood when eaten)
Ignore them: Go back to explore page
(If you chose Approach them you will see a box that says ‘Continue to talk with them’ or something along those lines and this will be the next dialogue you will see)
The wolves say they came from far away lands where there are many forests and not jungles, you tell them about the land around here. You speak with them for a while. The wolves pups as they are called start to try to hunt your tail and you play along dragging your tail back and forth while talking to the adult wolves. While talking to the wolves you learn their names (the names can change! These are ones I came up with for them) the males name is Lacus (Lake in Latin) and the females name is Silva (Forest in Latin) You also learn that they have many pups but can not take care of all of them as they can not keep an eye on all of them and can not get enough food for their growing pups as lions keep chasing them out of their territory.

(The following options are more common) The wolves thank you for listening, being polite, and playing with their pups, they thank you by giving you SB, Food item, or Toy item
(The following options are a extremely rare encounter like as rare as the Mukemburo encounter!)
The adult wolves grew quite fond of you and offer to give you one of their pups.
Accept: The adult wolves look at you gratefully and tell you to take good care do the pup before giving you the pup and walking away with the rest of their pups (Gives you a wolf pup you will find it in your hoard with the label ‘Growing Wolf Pup’ can look random) Achievement: Hospitality, +10 Karma +1 Growing Wolf pup item
Decline: The adult wolves look sad and quickly say “It’s fine it was a big request anyways” and walk away with their pups.

Is it a good idea? I just thought of it and liked it so I went with it and typed this! It’s just an idea! Hopefully you liked it! Have a good day!

This suggestion has 8 supports and 21 NO supports.

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Edited on 02/04/20 @ 06:08:32 by Boiii (#195736)

LionLuver (#190112)

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Posted on
2020-04-01 12:25:18
It's a very good idea and I would support except then Lioden would kinda turn into Wolvden. I mean I see your point just there are a lotta players and they might get a wolf "mutie" but then they would breed and breed and breed the wolves until Lioden is just Wolvden.

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Boiii (#195736)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2020-04-01 12:28:08
Well there could be restrictions applied as well! Like you can’t breed them forever and they would have a shorter heat time and take longer to give birth! And maybe other restrictions as well! (Maybe a limit on how much they can breed! And they don’t give a huge amount of pups and you can’t use breeding items on them! Or maybe you can’t breed them at all

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LionLuver (#190112)

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Posted on
2020-04-01 12:28:50
That may make it better! :)

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Herbal (#194897)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2020-04-01 12:29:49
I feel like maybe the wolf giving you a mutated lion (the wolf you're talking about) maybe wouldn't be such a good idea. What if instead they gave you silver beetles, food, toys, decor and/or on extremely rare basis (As rare as the Mukemburo encounter!) they maybe give you some Gb or an item that would increase or practically guarantee the production of a mutie, like a GMO cow or a CRB. But I think giving you a lion (wolf pup) would be too much and wouldn't fit properly into the game. This could also be sort of a first week after the release of Wolvden kind of thing. Great suggestion idea though!

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Edited on 01/04/20 @ 12:30:35 by ♡Charlotte♡ [0/25 Gb] (#194897)

aloiria [2.2K g1
uneven] (#168423)

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Posted on
2020-04-01 12:33:03
No support.

Getting a ‘wolf pup’ that behaves like a pride member (ie : it has a hunger bar, mood, ect) is basically getting a cub from explore, and that idea has been rejected on the official thread. We’ll never have the ability to obtain a cub from explore, so this would fall under that.

Adding a wolf pup would mean multiple different linearts, as well as over 200+ bases and 1,900+ markings that will need to be adjusted for the lineart. It’s too much work for a silly encounter.

It’d be better off as a decor for when Wolvden launches, not a explore encounter as big as this.

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Boiii (#195736)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2020-04-01 12:38:28
I updated it!!! Can everyone please re read it?

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Void (They/Them) (#198072)

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Posted on
2020-04-01 20:25:35
The edited version is a great idea! 😁

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Boiii (#195736)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2020-04-02 06:01:42
Then people didn’t re read it and now there are 12 no’s. But thanks! I really did want to just share my idea out!

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Zambz (#2687)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2020-04-02 06:06:19
So the puppy is a decor if I'm reading right? I think that'd be cute!

I don't support GB/GMO Cows/CRB and whatever tho so if those were removed I'd support it, otherwise no im afraid but the decor idea is cute!

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Boiii (#195736)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2020-04-02 06:09:07
I removed the GB/CRB/GMO cows

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