Posted by Stud breedings for Public use

Trebol ( bad kitty) (#60403)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2020-04-06 11:09:01
So here we go, let's see if i can explain this a bit better. How many of you have gone to find a stud to breed your lioness to, just to find the Kings owner is not online while your girl is in heat, and you have to wait for them to roll the king.
Not everyone has the money or GB to bring your girl in heat on the day the King can breed to her.

So what if instead, you can use the option of putting out public covers(breedings). You can go to your studs breeding options, and Enter how many breedings you want to put out to the public. How much you want to charge. So it would look like this...

King: Frostbite
Number of Breedings: 20
Cost: 300 sb or 1GB
This is just an example^

Now these breedings can go to either a spot on the map marked Breedings or i think it would be better in Trading place.

Now your lioness comes into heat, and you want to breed her to the highest king you can. You go to Public breedings and look for the king you wish to breed to.
Say you want the highest stats you can find, so you pick 30,000 stats.
Up pop breedings for Hugo, he has 30 out for 40gb or 120,000sb..
You are willing to pay that, and you have items you wish to use. You click the boxes, for things like buffy balls, pennyroyal (they will have to be in your inventory).
Then hit a button saying Breed me!
If you are using a vlf, you might get that message saying she is not pregnant, which means you can either auto breed her for 50sb... or just keep hitting the breed me button. Same thing as if you are trying to use your own king.
Once your girl gets pregnant, that kings breeding is used up and removed. Popular kings breedings will go fast
You can still go the traditional route with your breeding and contact the kings owner directly.
Please let me know if i need to make this more clear, or you have anything to add.

This suggestion has 11 supports and 20 NO supports.

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Edited on 09/04/20 @ 14:20:58 by Trebol ( bad kitty) (#60403)

Guillo [kinda froze] (#107254)

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Posted on
2020-04-06 19:53:15
I'm sorry, what? What do you mean by covers?

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Bezthiel 🍉 (#81210)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2020-04-07 15:43:40
"Cover" in breeding terms means # of breeding attempts.

Here it seems to be used to mean # of lionesses your stud is allowed to get pregnant?

You might have better luck if you defined your terms, or explained it to us like we're five.

Cuz I'm unsure what you're suggesting and I'm familiar with the terminology.

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Edited on 07/04/20 @ 15:44:10 by Bezthiel (#81210)

Trebol ( bad kitty) (#60403)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2020-04-09 13:54:19
Ok let's see if i can edit my post and explain a bit better then

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Soy (#6036)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2020-04-10 02:12:26
I'm willing to hear out public breedings with HEAVY restrictions and a lot of negative effects ie higher energy cost - your lion is out all day truckin and f*ckin so they're dead tired now, - less available breedings, potentially unable to breed within their own pride, etc. However as it stands I think the cons of this suggest far outweigh the pros, *especially* the bit about setting your own number of breedings.

If your lion is decently desirable and has the lowest breeding price available, ie 250 sb for 10 marks, you'll 3750 sb a week if they're maxed out, which would be a LOT easier to achieve with public breedings. Uncapping that leaves potential for some extreme results ie a person could make several hundred gb a week if their lion has high stats/looks nice, and it would greatly tip the gameplay and whole studding mechanics in the favor of those people because they don't have a cap. It would also create an influx of high statted lions in the market, because it'd be so much easier to breed one, and end up devaluing the high stats that so many people work hard to achieve.

I also don't really think breeding should be able to be accepted while a player isn't online, because there are the stat kings where the players log in once a week, and during the rest of the week they could just accumulate hundreds of gb of wealth without even logging on is terribly unbalanced and unfair.

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Trebol ( bad kitty) (#60403)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2020-04-10 11:01:04
Ok i see what you are saying.
Making money and gb.. If limited as you suggest they would be making less off public coverings but as it stands they can make their wealth anyway. If you run out of breeding slots, you can just do traditional breeding. They aren't being limited.
I am going to use a friend as an example because she is having issues getting a high stat king to breed with her lioness. She is willing to pay a good stud fee, use items, etc. None of the high stats kings are online however and won't be for a while. So in the meantime she waits.. and even if they open it doesn't mean she will get her breeding. At least if there were public breeding she might get a chance to breed to a top lion. Everyone could have a shot at it instead of just a select few.

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Soy (#6036)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2020-04-10 11:11:00
No, I WANT it to be EXTREMELY limited, I don't think you should be able to have more than the fifteen breeding slots, I think there should be less than that actually. And I Definitely don't think you should be able to switch between traditional and public studding so you can have more slots.

And I'm saying the issue with having high stat kings have public breedings is that they would make a ridiculous amount of GB without having to be online, because the breeding would automatically be accepted. Like, that's a bad thing in my opinion, and would Greatly unbalance gameplay in their favor, and make high stat cubs lose value.

Like it sucks that she missed her chance, but this is just not good for the game's market and for players in general in so many ways.

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Edited on 10/04/20 @ 11:12:28 by SoyBoy (#6036)

Guillo [kinda froze] (#107254)

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Posted on
2020-04-10 11:21:44
I agree with Soyboy and no support for the reasons that they stated. I believe that the way studdings are arranged presently are just fine.

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