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- Search for No Marking [54+/-0]
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Random❧ [G1 Unique 18bo Asali] (#166486)
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Posted on 2020-04-06 17:55:27
I want to be able to search for lions with NO MARKING in specific slots but it's currently impossible... I don't think it would be that hard to implement and it would really help out people looking to find kings with specific empty slots to help pass on whatever slot they're wanting ^^
I'm not skilled in the ways of the elements but you can kinda see where I'm going with this. I'd assume if you left it blank it would find you a lion with at least one empty slot in it's unlocked slots.
Here's a suggestion that may work hand-in-hand with mine - Click
If you don't support this, please take a moment to tell me why! I'd love to hear your thoughts so maybe I can make this a better suggestion. ^^
My other suggestions;
Click here
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