Posted by Special Lioness Tweaks

Roxanne (G1 Seal
Jellyfish) (#121082)

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Posted on
2020-04-17 18:45:34

Multiple things in this suggestion.
Note to mods: There is a suggestion similar already in the forums, but this is going to differ and include something else.

1. Special Lionesses being sent to users who haven't rolled in some time.

A user should have rolled within a certain time before the drawing for their entry to be valid on the day of drawing.
If they haven't rolled within a few days before the special lioness is drawn, it should be re-rolled automatically.
Or perhaps to make it more fair, they have to click a confirmation within a few hours two months roughly of it drawing it, otherwise it gets re-rolled to a new winner.

2. Older Special Lioness designs being reused

There are so many unused, untouched RLs tucked on banned or dead accounts. These designs should be reused if they haven't rolled within 1-2 years of winning the RL to prevent designs and marking slots from dying off.

Maybe a certain age restriction before their design can be used again, like if the lioness is older than 5, for example, their design can't be reused. Even if on a banned/dead account.

And a restriction for those accounts that are just dead and might make a return at some point, though we won't know.

This suggestion has 64 supports and 12 NO supports.

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Edited on 18/04/20 @ 09:23:40 by Roxanne (Clean G3 Sunrise) (#121082)

Bezthiel πŸ‰ (#81210)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2020-04-17 19:51:14
I'm going to disagree with 1.

I would, as a person who is fairly active, be absolutely livid if I won a raffle at the end of June, then didn't get the lioness because I don't roll during July.

The rest of the year, I try to check at least once a week for messages- but there'd be no alert for winning, so I could still miss out.

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jester ☘️ (#187561)

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Posted on
2020-04-17 19:56:37
The "confirmation" within a few hours is bad, bc some people aren't able to be active when the RL is drawn and that actively punishes those users. They should just have to be online at least once within 24-48 hours of the draw. if not, they get rerolled.

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Roxanne (G1 Seal
Jellyfish) (#121082)

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Posted on
2020-04-17 19:59:35
Merely a suggestion to make sure RLs find active homes.

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Saff - Kimanjano (#137237)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2020-04-17 21:06:23
Maybe Lioden could send an email to let you know you won a raffle lioness? With maybe a set time period to roll (6 months?) before the lioness is raffled again?

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πŸ›Έ Vethale (G2
Bast) (#147289)

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Posted on
2020-04-18 03:25:09
I dont agree with 1. I dont see why you have to be constantly online just to be able to win a raffle lioness. Its a raffle, after all. This would only punish casual users who dont have the time to log in every day, take breaks from lioden (or even use their side accounts). Imagine the absolute shock or winning this rare prize but immediately loosing it because you decided to take a little break

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anna bolina (#151371)

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Posted on
2020-04-18 04:13:46
i dont understand the fuss about 1. its a good way to prevent raffle lionesses getting stuck on inactive accounts, thus preventing the passing of the RL's raffle markings/eyes/base. however, i disagree with the confirmation thing you suggested β€” i feel that would be a bit unfair to people who are active, but not on every single hour of the day.

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katie πŸƒ (#106445)

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Posted on
2020-04-18 04:27:03
For 1, I think it should be something like the winner gets re-rolled if they haven't logged in by the time the next raffle lioness is drawn. A couple hours is unfair, and even a few days could just mean the winner is on vacation or dealing with something IRL. But if they haven't logged in a week, there's a good chance they won't be coming back anytime soon. It would also make it easy to announce on the RL page - it could be done at the same time as rolling the current week's winner.

I love the e-mail idea suggested by Saff.

@Bezthiel I guarantee you would get at least 5-10 messages if you won a raffle lioness, which you would see when viewing the rollover screen. Also, if you enter the raffle, there's no reason you shouldn't check to see if you've won on the next Friday.

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Edited on 18/04/20 @ 04:28:56 by katie πŸ¦… [g1 raffle clone] (#106445)

Allen 🐾 (#130883)

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Posted on
2020-04-18 04:31:58
I agree on sending an email, but not requiring a confirmation or something similar. If a person hasn't been online in weeks, they're not going to win a RL.

2 is fine.

Maybe, if they decide to send an email when you win a RL, and a
user doesn't log in for more than two months since receiving it, a winner could be redrawn? Especially if the user was banned etc. Maybe on a case by case basis? So, someone that has a RL on a frozen account but their side is active won't have it taken away, but I think it's safe to assume that a newbie who played for two weeks then stopped won't be coming back.

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🌻 the serval
spots (#98320)

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Posted on
2020-04-18 07:45:12
Absolutely not within a few hours. I've rolled every day since 2018 and probably wouldn't catch the notification within a few hours of winning despite that.

Go with 2+ months of time before rerolling a winner, genuinely. There would still be people interested after that much time if she was rerolled. I'd say not one month, since lots of players go inactive during a specific month such as May.

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Roxanne (G1 Seal
Jellyfish) (#121082)

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Posted on
2020-04-18 09:21:23
Few hours was filler, can change it to much longer ^^
Wanted to see how much time people thought would sound better

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Roxanne (G1 Seal
Jellyfish) (#121082)

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Posted on
2020-04-18 09:24:35
Edited OP and changed a few hours to 2 months based on feedback.

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Bezthiel πŸ‰ (#81210)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2020-04-18 11:40:48
"there's no reason you shouldn't check to see if you've won on the next Friday."

I...just gave a reason. I do not roll in July. I won't roll in July. For loads of personal reasons. If I get messagss in July, they wait until August.

I run a business. During normal times, there are tons of reasons that I might not have time to roll that week. There are tons of reasons that I might let messages go.

"I guarantee you would get at least 5-10 messages if you won a raffle lioness, which you would see when viewing the rollover screen."

Knowing I have 16 messages from some randos isn't the same as knowing I got a system notification about winning. If our rollover system worked differently, maybe.

Tbh, I still can't support even 2 months. There are people that are active every year, but only for two or three events. Sometimes I'm one of them. It would still be a real terrible move to just take away something one of us one because, "oh you're not active enough."

We have an inactivity cut off. I forget what it is, but if anything, it should use that.

My favorite, although I think it's been suggested somewhere before, is to raffle off clones -not take a lioness away- of special lionesses that were never bred in a second raffle of the week.

That way no one literally gets their winnings snatched away, and the site gains another special lioness.

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Allen 🐾 (#130883)

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Posted on
2020-04-18 13:10:22
If you're not rolling in July, you wouldn't win in July, though..? You have to manually enter the raffle. So if I decided tomorrow I'm not rolling till February, I wouldn't be winning any of those raffles regardless. This is more about newbies that log in, enter the raffle, then never touch their account again. There's so many RLs that have the only slot of a mark or are just one of a kind stuck on dead accounts because the owner didn't know or just never ended up liking the game.

I'm not opposed to re-rolling raffle girls, though I think it should be separate from the raffle system so there's still unique lionesses coming through. Like, it could be on the RL page but underneath, maybe even just 1 a month. That way it doesn't disrupt the flow of introducing new slots or markings but still lets people try for those designs. Maybe this one could have more of the rollover safeguard then? Bc it would suck if it got stuck on a dead account the second time.

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🏳️‍🌈 (#62393)

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Posted on
2020-04-18 13:14:37
I can understand all of these arguments, and I agree and disagree with some of them.
I think it's a great idea to try and mitigate the possibility of having a Special Lioness stuck on an account that hasn't rolled, but I absolutely think that even a week is too short a time to allow someone a chance to roll. Sometimes people have things going on in RL that prevent them from getting online in a while, but it doesn't mean they have forgotten about the game.
I'd say at least several months would be a better time frame, because it allows people a chance to settle in and then get back online. Plus, as mentioned before, some people don't roll for entire months intentionally, so it isn't fair to them if they are going to be forced to roll when they don't want to just to get the Special Lioness. People have specific plans for their lions/accounts that could be messed up even rolling by one day.
A reminder email could be a good alternative, but again, if someone doesn't want to roll in a specific month, it doesn't make a difference.

I agree with Bezthiel's post, mentioning the activity cut-off. People can be patient if they want a heat from a Special Lioness. It isn't fair to take away the honor of winning from someone just because they happen to be offline at a time that is inconvenient for people that want the lioness or heats from her.
I do think it's a good idea to try and revive a Special Lioness from abandoned/de-activated accounts, although that is also a tough decision to make because I know that if I had to go offline for whatever reason for a year or so, and my account was deactivated, only to find that I'd won a Special Lioness and it was removed when I came back? That wouldn't necessarily endear me to anyone.

In this case, it's really hard to say what to do. I'd say yes, bring back a Special Lioness from an account that has been completely deactivated, where it is certain that the player won't be coming back. If there are other Lionesses stuck on other accounts that are inactive, maybe bring back those designs in future Special Lionesses rather than removing them from the inactive accounts.

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Edited on 18/04/20 @ 13:15:17 by Jessye (#62393)

Roxanne (G1 Seal
Jellyfish) (#121082)

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Posted on
2020-04-18 13:46:20
This suggestion is for the weekly Special Lioness, I'm not really including July RLs because those become more complicated.

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