Posted by ♥ Cheap Natural Dwarf Heats ♥

☆ annika ☆ (#143548)

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Posted on
2020-04-19 10:02:55
Hi, I'm Annika!
I'm selling my dwarf's heats here for cheap!

Here's the dwarf, Winter!

Split Litter: 5
Full Litter: 8

1. Lion Scrotum
2. IBF
3. Stud Fee (my king is free)
4. Buffy balls or GOP (not *required* but highly suggested)

1. she will not leave my den
2. payment is required on the first day of heat (when she will be bred)
3. if you aren't online by the last day of her heat I will find someone else
4. no complaining if you don't get a dwarf
5. be kind and polite :)

Available Heats / Reservations
Heat #1 (May 3rd): Available
Heat #2 (May 23rd): Reserved for Me

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Edited on 19/04/20 @ 13:40:36 by Annika (Corrupted Lab Queen) (#143548)

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