Posted by Tay-Sachs disease|lethal idea

∙ *ˎ thrones !!
🌾 ˒˙∘ (#134705)

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Posted on
2020-05-14 15:15:40
Hello! Welcome to my thread. Go easy on me, this is my first mutation suggestion.

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This would technically be a lethal mutation, and wouldn’t necessarily require an art change. However: certain RNG lions will have their lion go into the “vegetative state” and that will be different line work to show that.

The message at birth: “Your lioness notices that one of her cubs seems to be unable to move towards her teet. She nudges it, and it stumbles to her. It suckles like all of the other cubs, and you relax.”

They will die randomly from 6 months to 2 years. (Smaller span than humans because lions live much shorter.)

The death message: “Your lion had stopped moving a while ago, and you find them dead in their den; never having moved. You and your pride mates mourn.”

Just suggestions, you can suggest death messages too.

What is Tay-Sachs disease?
“Tay-Sachs disease is a rare disorder passed from parents to child. It's caused by the absence of an enzyme that helps break down fatty substances. These fatty substances, called gangliosides, build up to toxic levels in the child's brain and affect the function of the nerve cells.”

What are some symptoms of Tay-Sachs disease?
“Muscular: muscle weakness, problems with coordination, rhythmic muscle contractions, or stiff muscles
Whole body: feeling faint or wasting away
Also common: difficulty speaking, difficulty swallowing, hearing loss, seizures, or vision loss”

Descriptive/in detail symptoms: “Symptoms of Tay-Sachs usually develop around 3-6 months of age when the child starts to have muscle weakness, low muscle tone, an increased startle response and sudden contractions of large muscles when falling asleep (myoclonic jerks).

Between 6 and 10 months of age, a child will not meet motor milestones and may lose the ability to perform tasks (such as sitting) that he/she had previously learned. Decreased eye movement and contact as well as attentiveness are also seen along with a specific change in the eye called a cherry-red spot which can be seen during an eye exam.

After 8 to 10 months of age, a baby will move less and become less responsive. Vision will be lost and many will have seizures by a year of age. A person's head size will start to grow around 18 months of age and when a child is 2 years old, they typically have trouble swallowing and progress into an unresponsive vegetative state. Age of death is usually between 2 and 4 years, often from pneumonia.”

What is the expected lifespan of someone with Tay-Sachs disease?
“Symptoms of slowed development usually appear around six months of age. Symptoms progress until they lead to death, often around age four.”

How does it happen/occur?
“All people have two copies of the Tay-Sachs gene (HEXA). Tay-Sachs occurs when neither of a person's HEXA genes is working properly because of a mutation (harmful change). If a person has one working copy of the HEXA gene and the other copy has a mutation in it, he/she is called a "carrier." Carriers don't show symptoms but when two carriers have children together each child (boy or girl) will have a 25% (1/4) chance of developing Tay-Sachs. If only one parent passes on the defective gene to the child (50% chance in each pregnancy), the child will not develop the disease but will be a carrier and have the potential to pass the disease on to his or her children.”

Scource: Mayo Clinic and ClevelandClinic.

If you don’t support, gently let me know why :)

If you have questions, please ask! This probably wasn’t as thorough as it could’ve been, it’s mostly an interest check I suppose. (Or at the least, it brings awareness)

I brought out the main points from these articles:

****I did not write the quotes myself, they’re quotes. I am not claiming ownership of anything stated in quotations (answers in questions).****

This suggestion has 90 supports and 12 NO supports.

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Edited on 14/05/20 @ 15:56:39 by winter soldier (nacre DR) (#134705)

Beast ( Bisexual
Female) (#197913)

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Posted on
2020-05-14 15:18:43
I’m so so on this. They wouldn’t live long and can die at a super young age. So saying this would they be able to be frozen? And what would it look like normal?

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∙ *ˎ thrones !!
🌾 ˒˙∘ (#134705)

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Posted on
2020-05-14 15:24:14
I think I understand what you're asking.

You’d have to freeze them, otherwise they’d pass away. (Ex. Jellyfish, Canopic Jellyfish)
And yes, from what I’ve seen, people and animals with Tay-Sachs disease don’t have any unusual features. (However, when in a vegetative state, there could be a line art change.)

Does that answer your questions?

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Edited on 14/05/20 @ 15:34:07 by winter soldier (nacre DR) (#134705)

Beast ( Bisexual
Female) (#197913)

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Posted on
2020-05-14 15:32:30
Yes! I think I’ll support

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lily the lily (#177850)

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Posted on
2020-05-14 16:23:31
i support
it is kind of like deaf so i could see it being added

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Lily (#136386)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2020-12-02 01:21:11
I support! Maybe for art they could simply be lying down in a 'locked' position being to Cubs don't move they wouldn't be standing

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Datrandomcat (#166891)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2020-12-29 16:32:26
While I support,I am also a little curious how the lineart change would be implemented.

Personally it would be cool if you had a maybe 25%-50% chance when visiting your lions page,they would have the vegetative pose,but that would require new coding that I'm not sure how easy it is to implement.

I think a solution could be that at a certain age where the mutation gets severe enough,they gain their vegetative pose.
Maybe at 5 months of age,just before they get into the risk of dying?

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Readytest (#431796)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2023-06-28 19:06:50
Support, would be more fast at killing a lion by a landslide than F.O.P

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Corruptedhyena (#243378)

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Posted on
2023-08-03 16:12:54
Could you perhaps link an image? Is there a certain way they look by chance? Or is it just the same. Like what is the art of the vegetative state your talking about?

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Edited on 03/08/23 @ 16:13:36 by Corruptedhyena (#243378)

MorningStar -G2
Cimmerian Bomb (#25115)

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Posted on
2023-08-04 17:38:46
You could have line art of it being super skinny as it ages, since they can't/don't use their muscles? Though that would mean multiple line arts.

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Corruptedhyena (#243378)

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Posted on
2023-08-04 20:05:14
Depending on how that's done I may support, but if it isn't unique (different pose as well) then no support

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a|Quad Ros (#299126)

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Posted on
2023-08-29 00:08:11
I like the idea! I supporrt!

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