Posted by About how much are GMO Chickens worth?

Andalite (Clean Lab) (#206060)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2020-05-18 10:45:25
I'm new so I'm still trying to figure out what's rare and what's junk, but I've been getting a lot of GMO chickens while hunting and they seem pretty common? I've got several of them? But some people are selling them for GB?

Is there a base price they go for? I have no real need for them and need cash, but I don't want to cheat myself or have my trades ignored due to overpricing.


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Magnituda [sunrise
project] (#198042)

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Posted on
2020-05-18 10:58:40
GMO chickens refill your lion's mood and hunger entirely. No matter how hungry he/she was. And they give 10 additional hunts to females (that day). So if you're after stats or you're saving food - they're valuable. But I never sell them so I don't know for how much are they going XD

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