Posted by Trying to get my den background situated

BlackFlame (#39928)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2020-06-02 23:04:53
Hi all. I have a couple questions.

How To Change My Cave Image

I have all of my own art to use for these. I'd like my ladies' caves to have a different image than the regular brown cave.

How to change my Den/User Page background

I don't know which kind of codes to use for either of these questions to be honest.

I don't need to commission anyone for any images, I just simply don't know how to customize. I'm so sorry if I sound like a newb lol

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G2 penta ferus (#91245)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2020-06-07 06:39:07
there's different css codes that need to be used, you'll need a text editor to make them, cave them as .css, upload them to Dropbox, copy the Dropbox code into a new code and save it to your den.

Here's the code for backrounds,

body {
background: url('BACKGROUND URL HERE') center center fixed;
background-size: 100%;
font-family: FONT CSS HERE;

and here's the codes for cave images.


div.cave-grid>img {
content: url('')!important;

/* CAVES (Copy paste to add more) */

a[href$="CAVE ID HERE"]>div.cave-grid>img {
content: url('IMAGE URL HERE')!important;


a[href$="unsorted.php?id=USERID"]>div.cave-grid>img {
content: url('IMAGE URL HERE')!important;


a[href$="lionoverview.php?id=USERID"]>div.cave-grid>img {
content: url('IMAGE URL HERE')!important;

Css are so much more than these though, a lot of things can be customized. And unless you understand css it is very difficult to do.
I have a css thread if you find you need someone to put together your perfect den.

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