Posted by Bold/Italics in Chat Rooms

Mal [Uneven Flint
MR|NHR|Mist] (#194397)

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Posted on
2020-06-11 02:02:52
First off, after a search through the boards, I was not able to find a similar suggestion but if such exists, please do not be afraid to tell me directly and I will either tweak or remove my suggestion based on previous thread existences. Additionally, if you believe this thread does not belong in this forum board, please let me know as well :)

Making Bolded and Italic Text Available in Chat Rooms

Have you ever really wanted to emphasize something you were saying but you were forced to resort to using hopeless CAPS LOCK to do it instead (because bold and italics aren't available in chat rooms) and you felt like you looked as if you were screaming?

Fear not! For I am here. With this suggestion thread ofc (kudos you got this reference ;)

I would like to introduce the idea of having bold and italics in chat room! I also have several ideas on how this can be accessed, but more than one option can be used.
Feel free to let me know if you have any other suggestions on how this option can be implemented <3

  1. HTML Coding:
    Similar to how HTML can be used in threads, users could be able to type out <*b>TEXT and <*i>TEXT (asterisks added to stop code from working, would obviously actually be taken out if you want to use it) in chat for bolded and italic text, respectfully.

  2. Ctrl/Command Keys on Laptops and Computers (PC, Windows, and Mac)
    Note: This would only work on laptops and computers and could be combined with other options for bolded and italic font.
    Like in Office 365 applications as well as google apps (such as Docs, Drive, Slides etc.), the option Ctrl+b or Command+b and Ctrl+i or Command+b could be used to turn italics and bolded font on and off. You would also be able to select certain text and use Ctrl/Command to change it being italics or bold.

  3. Side Button (clickable)
    Have a small button that you can click to turn on italic and bold, will also show turned on and off if you use Ctrl/Command+i/b

And that's all for now!
If you have any feedback or suggestions, please let me know down below! I would appreciate it if you tell me why you do/don't support and please be respectful to me and others! <3

This suggestion has 11 supports and 22 NO supports.

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DaemonDreamz (#51012)

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Posted on
2020-06-11 13:48:23
/no support

Chat moves really fast, and I feel like this would only muddle it greatly. I have enough trouble just trying to get my message out when the chat is still on the topic I'm trying to type for, I can't imagine how annoying it would be seeing a bunch of bolded and italicized letters while I'm trying to type my response (I'm dyslexic and I can already get confused if I don't thoroughly read something).

I also feel this would incite more spam, as people will have more freedom to type absolute gibberish. I feel like a lot of people will argue that being able to bold and italicize words in chat will give more "context", but that's implying chat has a lot of context going on anyways lol. Regardless of how you say something through text, it's going to sound pretty much the same if you're not vocalizing it. If anything, people should use "/s" to indicate sarcasm, instead of perhaps italicizing it (I assume that would be one of the main arguments for italics).

On a side note- I also foresee chat using bold and italics absolutely randomly, which would be the same as using CAPS at the end of the day.

Feel free to disagree, this is only my personal opinion on the matter

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Mots - RP Loved (#5378)

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Posted on
2020-06-11 13:59:11
I can see it working in relatively slow chats like art and RP chat.

It would probably be a disadvantage in faster chats like sales or main chat.

I'm not sure how fast the clan chat is ^^;

So I'm sort of 50/50 on this. Although that said, I definitely could use something like that in RP chat so people can see I mean literate partners only, and bold literate so people get the point. And not like I'm yelling I just want literate partners in all caps. Or that I'm forever open for RP.

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Fridays til
April• (#332814)

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Posted on
2022-12-20 18:28:55
testing to see if it continues to other words

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Edited on 20/12/22 @ 18:31:36 by G3Interstellar3Rosette20mark (#332814)

Cicada (#431298)

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Posted on
2024-03-04 18:54:00


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Teddy (#357693)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2024-05-15 13:46:45

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Edited on 15/05/24 @ 13:47:27 by Teddy (#357693)

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