Posted by New Mutie Ideas That Are Pretty Smart

KaiDraws (#208208)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2020-06-12 14:54:04
So i've been seeing a common theme here. How about we change it up?
I did my research while doing this!
Mutations We Have Currently
-Bobbed Tail
-Folded Ears
-Patches (Croupe)
-Patches (Dense)
-Patches (Frontal)
-Piebald (Bisected)
-Piebald (Broken)
-Piebald (Clouded)
-Piebald (Harlequin)
-Piebald (Heavy)
-Piebald (Light)
-Piebald (Mosaic)
-Piebald (Mottled)
-Piebald (Slender)
-Piebald (Symmetrical)
-Primal (Felis)
-Primal (Smilus)
-Double Uterus
-Mane Feathery
-Mane Fluffy
-Mane Frizzy
-Mane Fuzzy
-Mane Imperial
-Mane Ruffed
-Mane Scruffy
-Mane Shaggy
-Mane Silky
-Mane Whiskered
-Mane Villous
-Overgrown Claws
-Overgrown Fur
-Overgrown Teeth
-Extra Limbs
-Harlequin Ichtyosis
-Two Heads
These are the ones I want to add and why!
Having Runt be one of the mutation ideas would be a good Idea because every once in a while a lion would give birth to a healthy normal sized cub but then give birth to a smaller more weaker cub. This would be the runt of the litter. The mother would pay more attention to the smaller cub. This only happens if they Lioness gives birth to 2 or more cubs.
Having Hyposmia be one of the future mutations would be a good Idea because the mom would give birth to healthy cub(s). They would just have a harder time hunting. Their main purpose wouldn't be hunting. Since they can't smell that well they would be mainly used for Looks, Breeding or Broodmothering.
Hip Dysplasia
Having Hip Dysplasia would be a great Future mutation because when a cub is born with this mutation they will have troubles walking. As they grow older they start to waddle or limp because of how painful it is. This would make them have a decrease in strength.
Club Foot
Having Club Foot in the future would benefit more visual deformities that a cub could have. It would be visible at birth. One foot would be curved outwards. It would happen very rarely 1 out of 500 cubs.
Having Erythrism as a future mutation will give variety to the visible mutations like Piebald, Melanism and Albinism. Erythrism also makes more red in the fur. There is just a bit too much red pigment going on with both parents that would make this happen.
Having Leucism as a future mutation would show the difference between it's self and Albinism. Albinism is an absence of Melanin. Leucism is a partial loss of pigmentation which would make them be a very light color of their fur. This would have the same rarity as Albinism and Melanism .
Extra Vertebrae
Having this as a mutation would be a good way to show the variants from a regular healthy lion and a dwarf. The lion would be a bit longer because of the extra bones in their spine.
Crooked Tail
Having this as a mutation would make it for more opportunities for people to see if they have this defect. It would mostly be common in cubs my can be found in Adols and sometimes in Adults. Some NCL's could have it as well!
Extra Toes
Having this be a mutation will increase a cub's strength and agility. It would also be a visible mutation.
Cerebellar Hypoplasia
Having this as a mutation would only allow the lion to have it live for 1 year. That being that their brain didn't develop properly it would make it nearly impossible for them to survive on their own. This would be a Lethal mutation.
I think this would make a great mutation because like Cerebellar Hypoplasia, it would be something with the brain. When the cub is born there is excess fluid in the Ventricles of the brain. Having the Ventricles increased in size it would put pressure on the brain. It would cause Vision problems along with hunting problems. It would also cause Epilepsy episodes making a fatal fate for them. They would live to be 6 months before passing to a fatal seizure.

This suggestion has 122 supports and 8 NO supports.

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Roxanne (G1 Seal
Jellyfish) (#121082)

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Posted on
2020-06-12 15:12:07
By the looks of it, some of these are already on the upcoming mutations planned list by Xylax.

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Fernhawk (#172889)

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Posted on
2020-06-12 15:14:47
Some of these such as extra toes (polydactyl), Leucism, and crooked tail have been accepted or rejected. I suggest looking at the Mutation Masterlist to see what mutations are being planned

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🩸 [G4 Dawn
Fissure] (#92039)

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Posted on
2020-06-12 15:25:06
id say i support all of these but runt..
mostly because, id think runt would be the whole "left to die" situation, kind of like how most animals deal with that. the sick and the old are nothing more but a meal in hungry eyes, i guess.

other than that, love the other ideas. :)

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Vasyncia 🌿[G2 x3
Ros Svelte] (#134874)

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Posted on
2020-06-12 15:36:27
I like all of these, but the runt to me doesn't completely make sense in all honesty?

I love the idea of the runt, but considering we've got dwarves, it seems like something that's just unnecessary to be added, since dwarves are capable of hunting the same as normal lions... but with dwarves (as far as I've read) they're completely able to hunt, lead and patrol the same as normal lions do.

Having a runt be weaker than a dwarf wouldn't make sense to me and I feel adjusting dwarves so suddenly after having them in the game so long just to balance out this mutation would be a hassle for the developers.

Other than that, I actually really support this thread and several of the mutations you've suggested! Hope to see some of these in the future!

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Dove (#224950)

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Posted on
2021-01-21 12:08:15
I love the idea of polydactyl (extra toes) lions! I have a cat with extra toes on all his paws and wanted to add some inform and maybe benefits for this mutation! Please keep in mind these are just suggestions and you don't need to add them or anything.

Things I noticed that could be added for this mutation (in bold is facts and plain text is how it could translate to Lioden):
- My cat loves to grab things and has really good grip
- Better hunting?
- My cat also has extra claws and his extra toes.
- More damage in battle?
- When young my cat was a little clumsy
- Subtracted speed?

I was also thinking this mutation woulden't be lethal or very rare because polydactyl is a fairly common mutation. Also I can later add some pics of my cat and his extra toes for reference.

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Edited on 22/01/21 @ 09:35:30 by Dove (#224950)

C.J. (#102610)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2021-01-21 22:56:19
1 in every 500 cubs is actually superrr common

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Suzy { ALM } (#225832)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2021-01-22 22:37:45
I have an idea for some mutations!


Progressive Retinal Atrophy

Hereditary Epilepsy


Congenital Heart Anomalies: Likely fatal by 2 months.

Atopic/Allergic Skin Disease: Lion would have red, scaly patches.

Patella Luxation: Art would be one or both knees popping out a bit.

Elbow Dysplasia

Gastric Dilatation/Volvulus (Bloat): Lion would die from bloat sometime during adulthood.

von Willebrand's disease (vWD): Lion would die from bleeding if they are even wounded.

Drug Sensitivity/Ivermectin Sensitivity: They would die if they ever came into contact with livestock that had Ivermectin on or in them.

Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD): Would die of kidney failure. No lineart changes.

Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy: Lion would die of heart failure in adulthood

Lethal Craniofacial Defect: Lion would die as a newborn because their face is so mutated.

Renal Amyloidosis

Neuromuscular Spasticity: Line art would show lion in a spasm. Death would occur by 6 months.

Glycogenolysis: Death by 6 months.

Black Skin Spots

Calico and Tortoiseshell

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C.J. (#102610)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2021-01-23 02:31:08
mmm lets maybe stay away from something like cancer.
I, as well as many many others, have had family members and loved ones pass away from cancer and it feels a bit inappropriate and insensitive to add.

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Gothica (#224320)

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Posted on
2021-01-26 18:47:11
Maybe insular and proportional dwarfism variations?

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