Posted by Lioness personalities actually do something

Ghost (they/she) (#196818)

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Posted on
2020-06-16 09:04:37
I think it would be interesting if more lioness personalities actually did something. Right now we only have the nurturing personality with any in-game coding, other than flavor text. A few ideas would be -

Joyful/cuddly/upbeat - all lions in the cave only lose 5% mood per rollover
Brutal/harsh - chance to bring back an extra carcass for hunts
Curious/messy - chance to receive an amusement item once every rollover as part of flavor text
(might add more if other people ask)

This suggestion has 29 supports and 7 NO supports.

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Edited on 18/06/20 @ 21:02:20 by Venus (#196818)

Dusk | G1 3X ROS
Ennedi (#158229)

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Posted on
2020-06-22 09:55:57
These kind of personality things are mostly for kings (excluding the nurturing) sorry but no support

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overseer (#51172)

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Posted on
2020-09-20 22:08:53
I support, mainly because it seems many other additions are being made prudent/useful in game....and aside from nurturing lionesses...most other personalities are pointless.

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Phantom StarsX (#92256)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2020-09-21 14:56:53
Support. Theres no real reason why not, and theres really only one lioness personality that does something aside from flavor text. Personally I would love that brutal/harsh one. I'm not sure what I'd suggest I'll have to think on that.

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Verridith [g1
stellar/panda] (#407)

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Posted on
2020-09-23 14:19:10
I love this idea! It'd make lionesses really feel like a more important part of the pride, and really add a little interest to them and their activities in the pride.

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[Storymode] (#213942)

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Posted on
2020-10-22 07:33:44
Definite support! It doesn't have to be much either, just small stuff. Larger things could be left for the kings, and lionesses could just have fun little stuff?

Just for the Good lionesses:
-Cuddly: Higher chance of getting flavor text when page is visited.
-Graceful: Lower chance of getting scars on hunts.
- Gracious: Chance of small trinket or food item when page is visited.
- Intrepid: Levels up slightly faster than other lionesses
- Joyful: Loses less mood overall, regardless of king personality
- Nurturing: Already has one
- Proud: Gains 1-5% mood for a successful hunt
- Prudent: Chance of giving carcass if there's no available food. (ex. nothing to feed lions with)
- Romantic: Loses fertility slower from old age
- Trusting: Only loses mood as if the king's personality is the same as theirs (ex. you have a snarky king, she loses mood at the same rate if he was good)

There may need to be some doubles- maybe Good and Kind get the same benefits, along with Snarky and Evil (neutral doesn't get any benefits, they're in the middle!)

All of these would only be on the one lioness instead of the entire pride like for kings. Good/Kind focuses more on mood loss and giving small trinkets/food, while Snarky/Evil could focus a lot more on hunting and increases in food gain (or they don't lose mood when their cubs are killed). It wouldn't be a giant game-breaker most of the time, but it would cause people to pay more attention to them!

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Eldritch g1 rl clone (#211139)

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Posted on
2020-10-22 07:51:30
oh my god yes please. i really want the lionesses to have personalities that do stuff. and maybe it could also effect the mood in the cave? so if say 70% of the cave is good and /or kind, snarky and evil lions loose more mood, even if the king is snarky or evil. neutral is just not affected

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