"Calm and confident, Moonshine is the current leader of the Caravan. She is well-loved by the members of her herd and has a certain knack for diplomacy."
Name: Moonshine
Gender: Mare
Rarity: Common
Breeding: Available to Breed; No Fee
"The navigator of the Caravan. Very sure of her abilities, but incredibly charismatic despite her cocky attitude."
Name: Black Betty
Gender: Mare
Rarity: Common
Breeding: Available to Breed; No Fee
Glitch's Stable Edgar Edgar's Art Wall
"Edgar is a quiet Stallion who has a grim view of the world. He enjoys his poetry and the company of his companions."
Other Horses
"Selene is a shy, timid mare with a love of flowers and books."
Fiona Not one for words, Fiona is anything but the life of the party. She has a grim view on life around her and when asked about it, isn't afraid of being truthful. She's very blunt and has a hard time of picking up various social cues aside from the obvious signs of one being upset. She has a bit of a soft spot for foals and younger creatures, though.
Adult/5 years
Breeding: Available, 1 Horseshoe or 1 GB
Ashok Ashok is a very fiery and fierce stallion, oftentimes having a bitter outlook towards other creatures beyond those he might grow fond of. However, this is what others often see of him. When he's alone or solely with those he trusts, Ashok is actually a very peaceful individual, and just about as sweet as a teddy bear. Those that know him well enough understand that he might lash out or act with a short temper because of his naturally antisocial and rather special nature. Most often, other members of the band will try to give him the space he needs and try to include him the most they can to help him try to relax outside of his shell.
Adult/3 years
Common(? )
Breeding: Available, 1 Horseshoe or 1 GB