Posted by Adjustment to Tutorial

serruria (#208085)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2020-07-14 20:11:02
The tutorial on lioden is lacking a little bit. I feel like you don't learn the extent of the game, you simply learn the basics and then are thrown into the game. It causes newbies to lose valuables and struggling to keep up with the older players.

My suggestion is to allow the tutorial to give gifts such as a very small amount of GB and lion scrotes. Or at least to teach the newbies a little about the economy of the game.

So this is how I believe the tutorial should go, or at least giving a little more information (using wiki's stages):

Stage 5 - It might be a good idea to mention that you receive certain rewards from battling, although it does tell you what you recieved, transparency is great for people who don't know anything about the site or anything about breeding sims.

Stage 10 part b - I think it should be mentioned that the search option can be used to find lower level males. I remember when I first started out, I couldn't find any low level males in the territory around me.

Stage 13 part f - Maybe there could be one decor that the lioness receives to show how equipping works(with the equipper)? Like a queen / princess crown or something simple and / or cheap.

Stage 14 - It might be a good idea to explain chased lionesses briefly? That about 50% are deleted and 50% are returned to explore to become 'chased'.

Stage 19 part b - Either here or somewhere else, it would be a good idea to explain the different rewards you can get from the different impression levels. It might be good to add this when they level up, so that they don't have to remember everything the entire time.

Stage 20 - Here or right before here I think is the biggest area of tweaking. I feel like there should be more mention of mutations. I read through the entire tutorial that is seen by newbies. There is no mention of mutations, even though that is a large part of the economy in the game. But instead of giving a lion scrote for the first litter (since it would be better if they didn't have a high mutation rate for their first set), they can get a special lion scrote for beginners. In order to protect the economy, it cannot be sold or traded, and can be used only on their second litter. This special scrote could have a specific mutation that they receive, one that cannot be passed through natural breeding possibly? Or it could give the opportunity to explain lethals.
This stage doesn't have to necessarily get a lion scrote, maybe cotton root bark or something that increases mutations, but again, can't be traded or sold (for the returning players who are trying to take advantage of the rewards).
Or another idea is giving them gb to buy their first lion scrote / CRB, in order to show how oasis or TC (they could have a private trade for them) works. If this path was taken, it would be easy to quickly explain offers and buyouts. I think explaining that the economy fluctuates (which 16 and up should understand) with different events and such might help newbies not lose things for too little or pay too much for something. :)

Another idea I had along these lines was giving 5 or so gb to start with. This might help newbies get into the economy faster and keep from grinding halts on different items. The economy shifts quite often, but I'm hoping this might allow the undercutting of prices and the flow of currency to be more smooth. This would help all, old and new. Those who are trying to sell more expensive items and newbies who want to get rare items. However, since they have a very small amount of starting gb, it would not completely rock the scales and force prices to skyrocket.

This could change as I get suggestions from other players, but I think it would be a good addition!


This suggestion has 9 supports and 13 NO supports.

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Edited on 14/07/20 @ 20:22:40 by 【1kara】 (#208085)

serruria (#208085)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2020-07-14 20:15:08
Please comment what you agree or don't agree with! I want to know what should be altered!

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β€ͺβ€ͺβ€οΈŽβ€¬ (#167763)

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Posted on
2020-07-14 20:16:36
I love it all except for the expensive giving items bit, Imo u thing they should start off with a certain amount of gb and learn how to spend it and why prices vary, but thats just my opinion xD i love the idea though

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Akara // Temporal
10.29.21 RLC (#209615)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2020-07-14 20:19:11
@ Queen Star! I see what you mean! I was mostly thinking of things that would've helped me when I was a newbie :0 So instead of the lion scrote they should just receive gb and pick what they want to purchase?

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Akara // Temporal
10.29.21 RLC (#209615)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2020-07-14 20:19:24
Also, sorry I forgot I was on my side!

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Edited on 14/07/20 @ 20:24:47 by 【1kara】 (#208085)

☬ Harmonics ☫ (#207879)

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Posted on
2020-07-14 20:29:26
I agree with Queen!
It’s still an amazing idea.

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Katze (#3)

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Posted on
2020-07-14 21:06:34
I can agree with adding in important sections such as battling, search, PVP, etc., but not with handing out expensive items to new players. I acknowledge it's stated that the items could not be sold or traded, but the proper way to teach new players about the economy does not include giving them a special tutorial-only breeding item, or a replica of an expensive mutation breeding item that can only be found in two different events. Even if the items themselves can't be traded, I would assume the resulting mutated lion could be, and that in itself would only incentivise people to multi-account and create smurf/shell accounts just to go through the tutorial, earn their GB/Lion Scrotum/etc., and either funnel rewards (including the lion) to their original account or sell it for extremely cheap and tank the market.

Updating the tutorial to be more explanatory, yes, 100%. Adding in premium currency or expensive breeding items, absolutely no. The goal of the game is to work towards things and feel a sense of pride or accomplishment for getting something expensive yourself.

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HeraldofHares (#111045)

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Posted on
2020-07-14 21:11:51
I think this sounds nice! Although the GB bit might be a bit of a bad rub with the admins, who probably would simply prefer to explain the differences of the normal vs premium currency of the game :0! Perhaps instead of a lion scrote, they get a small mutation boost on a new lion (second, ofc!) :0? Perhaps it could also be said that you might get this boost more when you hit dreamboat, and how impression gain decreases with how you level up, and perhaps just letting them find out that levelling up past Dreamboat isn't possible n they get stats instead on their own :0? Personally, I also feel like the Chased NCL thing is a bit of a strange thing to add in the tutorial, a bit helpful but would possibly make the tutorial that much more confusing to a newer player, instead maybe getting introduced to the forums and what not and being kinda gently pushed to interact with people on the site would be nice!! That way they know they can learn facts the tutorial doesn't teach them there! I.e. getting them used to the help forums, newbie adoption forums, etc! Not really all of them quite yet, but just a few that they might need to start out with, and then they're allowed to explore on their own!

Since this game isn't exactly for children, I do think it's good to note that people do like discovering stuff on their own at the same time, so I wouldn't explain all mutations, and let them always have a chance at failing getting a mut rather than having a high chance of it :0! It's kinda also why I'd think the whole economy thing should be left out, rather than explaining it, let them slowly figure that out on their own as they can watch the economy dip and raise on it's own due to natural stock and demand! Plus, economy is more of a community thing as well, so putting it in the tutorial may just be a little tricky!

Otherwise? I really think this is nice! The tutorial when I joined I've actually forgotten, so if I've said anything that's on there already then forgive me fndsgjnsdjf-- otherwise, again, very nice! :D

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serruria (#208085)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2020-07-14 21:13:52
@ Katze Thank you so much for your input! Like I was saying to Queen Starr, I understand the fact that giving such a rare item is a bad idea. I was just thinking of things that would’ve helped me :0
I might take away the beginner prizes and just leave the more information section.

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Edited on 14/07/20 @ 21:14:22 by 【1kara】 (#208085)

serruria (#208085)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2020-07-14 21:18:03
@ Romeo

The more I hear against the starter items, the more I agree with taking it out! I’m probably going to remove it in the morning at some point, or alter it to add something like the mutie boost like you suggested! The main point of this is to make moving into the site easier for newbies. I know I had quite a lot of trouble figuring out things and was a little nervous to chat as some sites have some aggressive chats! And the chased might be a little much, I agree. :0 I’m going to hear a few more opinions on the chased before I alter that part, but I’m going to remove the starter items soon and replace / remove them altogether!

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serruria (#208085)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2020-07-14 21:24:37
Also, to all who commented previously, what if the tutorial’s end linked to an official newbie adoption thread? This might help newbies make friends and learn new things? I know there are unofficial ones, but I didn’t know much about them until about 3 weeks after I started so I wasn’t as worried about it by then. What do you all think about that?

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