Posted by Rework Claiming Lioness Buttons

Astrid┋CLEAN 3.7K
3x Clouded (#124118)

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Posted on
2020-07-27 20:40:24
Okay, i've always had an issue with the NCL claiming system— it isn't intuitive at all. There's pretty much no official resource anywhere on the site or wiki (to my knowledge) that gives you "answers" (ex. the trivia guide post)— the only place that comes close to explaining it partially is this article: click
from who-knows-how-long ago. And all it says is that certain moves may be better to start with than others, basically :/ Wouldn't it make more sense to have the claiming buttons simply correspond with the lioness' personality? When i was a newbie it took me a loooong time to realize there was some weird, convoluted code of buttons to press for the highest chance of claiming, as I was assuming that heart buttons would work better on kind/good lions, etc, and i thought it was just me having a low impression. It doesn't make sense to me that one of the first things users use a lot on the site is so difficult to understand.

My suggestion is neutral buttons have a higher chance of working on neutral lionesses, aggressive buttons have a higher chance of working on snarky/evil lionesses, and sweet buttons have a higher chance of working on kind/good lionesses. Pretty simple, I think, but if you have suggestions feel free to say! ^^

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Edited on 27/07/20 @ 20:41:07 by Astrid | CLEAN 3.6K 3x Clouded (#124118)

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