Posted by New Rule: Don't tell people how they should price.
Grookey [G2 5K Ferus
Haze RLC] (#170712)

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Posted on
2020-08-06 09:52:48
To explain further:

I've seen this happening a bit more often as of late. Someone will try to sell or buy something for a specific price. Suddenly, a few people will come into that thread and bombard the person telling them that their prices are too high/low. If the seller rebukes them, this opposing group will continue the dissent throughout the thread on the price. This is incredibly rude and unnecessary and should not be allowed.

More Concise Reasons:
-It's rude to tell people how to price their stuff
-People are allowed to price things however much they want, they're not forcing anyone to buy something
-A brigade of people disagreeing with someone trying to sell something is borderline harassment, especially if it continues for a few pages
-If you disagree with a price you can just as easily PM someone if you think they're unaware that a price might be too high/too low
-It's pretty much mini-modding

While I understand some people might be trying to stop some from "scamming," it's not your job to do so unless you are a mod. It's basically mini-modding, which is against the rules, and if one is so upset or believing that one is scamming, they should contact a mod rather than leading a brigade against a person and scaring away interested parties from buying/selling.

Let me know what you think! If you disagree just let me know why (please)

This suggestion has 8 supports and 30 NO supports.

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Edited on 06/08/20 @ 09:55:04 by Grookey (#170712)

bonibaru | Ice |
Leonid marks (#199604)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2020-08-06 09:56:08
While in theory I support the premise, this is already something that can be reported as harassment if it goes on as you describe. And users can block other users who are hassling them in such ways. Mechanics already exist to mitigate this kind of behavior policing. Other than saying "don't do it" you haven't proposed a new solution or new method of enforcement.

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Edited on 06/08/20 @ 09:57:08 by bonibaru | Ice | Leonid marks (#199604)

๐ŸWrenn๐Ÿ (#208968)

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Posted on
2020-08-06 10:00:35
I think that people should be able to tell others about how to price if they are not rude about it, for example someone has priced a primal potato for 10 gb but you know that it is over priced so you politely tell them the usual price range for primals. By doing that they will no how much it is worth. If they disagree with you just leave and let them try to sell an overpriced primal.

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Grookey [G2 5K Ferus
Haze RLC] (#170712)

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Posted on
2020-08-06 10:00:42
Solution/Method of enforcement:

The OP of the thread can ask them to stop/leave the thread; if the people continue/refuse to, they can report it and if a mod deems it necessary, can remove it or at the very least tell a person to stop/leave the thread/give a warning.

While blocking is possible, it doesn't remove the person from the thread unfortunately (from what I've seen), it just makes it so you cannot see what the person has sent to you.

My issue is that I've seen it popping up more as of late, with people asking pricing brigaders to stop, but them not stopping. Yes, it can be reported as harassment, but it really shouldn't be happening to begin with.


In terms of education: That's okay; I still think it could be better solved by a PM though. However, that's not really what I'm focusing on; I'm more or less talking about threads where people go on for pages about how pricing is inaccurate in spite of the seller standing by their prices.

For instance, there was a person who was buying marking apps I think a month ago, but not for much; they stated in their main post that they weren't super interested in buying apps, but would buy them for a low price if anyone wanted to sell to them for that much. A bunch of people flooded their thread, called them a scammer, etc, until the person said they were no longer buying marking apps. That, to me, is wrong and should not be allowed.

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Edited on 06/08/20 @ 10:03:26 by Grookey (#170712)

๐ŸWrenn๐Ÿ (#208968)

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Posted on
2020-08-06 10:08:59
Grookey (#170712) I agree with you but maybe instead of reporting to the mods there can be a blocking button which is specially designed for blocking people on forums and pm. The blocking button could simply make it so that the person who is blocked can no longer chat to you in any way and the mods can look over what happened later.

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Grookey [G2 5K Ferus
Haze RLC] (#170712)

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Posted on
2020-08-06 10:11:13
While that's true, you shouldn't have to block groups of people from brigading the thread. Furthermore, others can still see what the blocked poster said and that could sway their decision to buy/sell, which is wrong. People can decide for themselves whether or not to buy/sell from/to someone is all.

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Edited on 06/08/20 @ 10:12:46 by Grookey (#170712)

๐ŸWrenn๐Ÿ (#208968)

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Posted on
2020-08-06 10:14:50
Hmmmm this is going to be harder to figure out than I thought. Gimme some time, I might think of something else

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Grookey [G2 5K Ferus
Haze RLC] (#170712)

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Posted on
2020-08-06 10:16:44
For sure; I appreciate the conversation.

I more or less just want people to stop being rude about how others price their lions and items; tired or hearing people call others 'scammers' just because they disagree with a price

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Mad Hyena (#29080)

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Posted on
2020-08-06 10:47:50
There is already such a rule!

Code of Conduct: 1.28 Do not try to control what other people do, or how other people play the game.

Forcing an opinion on someone by posting multiple times on their thread, about price or anything else, is considered "trying to control how other people play the game" and can already be reported to Mods to have the situation brought under control!

I believe this rule already reflecting the situation nicely; with helpful price advice not falling into "trying to control how others play", while excessive posting falling under this rule and being reportable for it. Sadly - adding a new rule to this one I fear wont do any good, because if people ignore this rule, they will ignore a new rule as well!

There is only one thing that can help stop people trying to force their opinion on others, and that is reporting to Mods any instance of this you see!

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Edited on 06/08/20 @ 11:31:42 by Mad Hyena (#29080)

Allen ๐Ÿพ (#130883)

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Posted on
2020-08-06 10:52:30
Iirc a bunch of people complaining about prices is considered off topic/harassment, but I think it would be more beneficial to implement this in art sales than lion sales/item sales.
For example, lions and items can be price checked in TC and branches.

There's been times I've seen people go "I need GB bad!!" and try to sell a lion scrotum for 40gb during May. I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with saying "hey, this is the current branch price," bc while they don't have to agree with it, if they don't the item just.. won't sell.

Meanwhile, on my first art thread I had a person complain about prices (which by the way, were selling absolutely fine) and told me my art was worth 5gb. Ended up having to delete the thread and remake it because the response was on the first page and it drove away potential customers. My current prices are actually higher than what they were then by about 2x, and they still sell just fine, if not better than before. The person that responded did nothing to help but complain, but iirc the mods felt like it didn't need to be removed.

Point is, I can see both sides of this. People can be helpful but at the same time, some things don't have set prices. I feel like a rule that accommodates helpful bargaining/price checking while also extending protections against people who are just being jerks would be helpful.

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