Posted by Need help pricing these lionesses!

AJ_Phoenix (#210517)

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Posted on
2020-08-12 02:18:34
I'd deeply appreciate if anyone could help me to price these girls - I'm trying to get rid of all lionesses that have less than 800 Stats when they reach adulthood, but would like to try and find a way to price the <800 Stats instead of just chasing them or sending them to Reserve.

All are 2nd generation and/or "clean", and they just turned into adults (2 y/o).

♠ Lioness 1 ♠
► Stats: 689
► Genetics: Golden Medium Solid Common
► Markings as follows...
Slot 6: Brown Chest (41%)
Slot 8: Feline 1 Onyx (32%)
Slot 9: Feline 3 Onyx (66%)

♠ Lioness 2 ♠
► Stats: 641
► Genetics: Golden Medium Countershaded Common
► Markings as follows...
Slot 5: Feline 4 Onyx (38%)
Slot 9: Golden Tail (59%)

♠ Lioness 3 ♠
► Stats: 768
► Genetics: Black Medium Countershaded Common
► Markings as follows...
Slot 3: Kimanjano Mottled Vents (44%)
Slot 4: White Ghost Feralis (8%)

Again, I appreciate your help :) Good hunting, everyone!

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