Posted by Specific Markings in TC

⚔️ Zuki 🛡️ (#107708)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2020-08-22 22:39:47
Hello.. Can we please have an option in the markings search in trade center that allows us to look for some markings with an either option... Not to be all found in the same lion? So for example I can look for Cubs with either a Mottled Rosette marking or Mottled stripped marking.. The search will show me Cubs with either or both Cubs withe other criteria I set in other search options?

This suggestion has 18 supports and 0 NO supports.

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🛸 Vethale (G2
Bast) (#147289)

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Posted on
2020-08-23 06:13:08
Support. I know you can look up both separately but this would be really nice too and make it a bit easier when searching.

Maybe an extra option in the TC th at says "lions with at least x of the markings". With "all" being marked by default (it would be annoying having to always click it) and then being able to put in a number, depending on the markings you wrote down.

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⚔️ Zuki 🛡️ (#107708)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2020-08-23 06:27:09
It's the same as pricing you items when you click the drop box and choose either sb or gb.. Or both sb and gb

So the same could be in the trading center I can search for a cub with either a Mottled Rosette or Mottled stripped OR with both Mottled Rosette and Mottled stripes.. It will make things way easier and awesome

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Bluefire (#153509)

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Posted on
2020-08-23 23:16:47
I recommend that this also be added to user search, as I will frequently want to find a stud with a certain number of a certain type of marking, 3 or more cherry marks for example, and it can be a hassle to put in all the combinations. The trading centre allows you to choose a color and type group already, so while this would definitely be useful, there's already something there to help with certain searches.

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