Posted by Lioness Leveling Adjustment

🛸 Vethale (G2
Bast) (#147289)

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Posted on
2020-08-23 04:55:42
Adjusting the lioness leveling feature since right now it's useless. It adds absolutely nothing to the lion or the game and is just annoying at best. I know there's an auto leveling feature in the oasis but it's pointless too.

So my idea is to either remove lioness's leveling system (just have them automatically level up/remove the level altogether) or add some bonuses: Higher leveled hunters have higher chances to get bigger carcasses or get extra hunts & boodmothers can take care of an extra cub once they reach a high enough level

This suggestion has 12 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Edited on 23/08/20 @ 05:03:39 by Vethale (#147289)

hoarder (#184208)

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Posted on
2020-08-23 05:11:03
(first support! :0)

Support! It would just make since honestly plus make it way easier because some people just don't either have the time or have to many lions to look through all of them individually to see how needs to be leveled up

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