Posted by Minimal Lion Trade Price

Pleia (#18444)

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Posted on
2020-08-28 11:23:58

Ive been around Lioden since the beginning and havent been the most avid player. However I noticed that lions are becoming so cheap in buyouts that I can find some for 15 SB. That's rather crass to me. It is more expensive to breed and upkeep a Lioness in the process to have such an absurdly low price.

I feel 80 sb is a good bottom price for any cub/lioness even trash ones. There are minimum payments on breeding, so I feel like cub/lion trades should be the same. I know that is hard to configure in-script considering you could just trade it for items instead. However when it comes to actual SB I feel there should be a baseline.

Does anyone else agree? I find it disheartening that they are so cheap - its hard to sell anything even just to make a small amount of sb in return for fodder.

All opinions and comments are welcome aboard! :3

<3 Pleia

This suggestion has 8 supports and 54 NO supports.

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🏵️ Paipa | G2
Orchid Pie (#73075)

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Posted on
2020-08-28 12:26:26
Yeah, no support.
This would probably crash the market, not help it at all.

Everyone has their right to price their lions as they want to.
Selling basically free NCL for minimum of 80 SB?
Never going to sell > Nobody will sell NCLs > People needing those NCLs will not put their SB forward to new owners and will claim them themselves.

Breeding to your own pride is free. Why would there be minimum price for free litter of 4 cubs? What about enclave fodder? I am happy to find that one cub for 15 SB and yeet it to the tree, that is what gorilla was made to be, cub fodder trash. Would I continue using gorilla, if the minimum price was 80 SB? And people would go up from there? No.

The market has to stay completely free. No support.

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Pleia (#18444)

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Posted on
2020-08-28 12:34:22

Thanks for your input !

Can I ask how it would crash the market? I think it would make it better. In most cases (in both real life and Lioden) having such low prices actually ruins the market - it costs more to gather nesting materials and feed a lioness for the days in which she is pregnant.

Ive also have had luck selling NCLs, i actually just sold 5 this morning and someone paid for them for fair price as far as NCLs go? 80 sb a piece - all sold.

There are minimal reverse breeding prices which I find to be very fair, so I think it would be nice to have the same for a base price for cubs/lions. The market isnt free when it comes to reverse breeding, it gives a minimal price for each individual which I appreciate.

This is a rebuttal - because I do not believe raising prices to 80 sb a lion ruins any market - in fact it would stimulate it for people who need money I believe?

This is more in support of people who are not avid players - I like to log on a few times a week, not a few times a day. catching up with the insanity that is the low market and influx of way more lions has been quite overwhelming for casual playing xD

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🏵️ Paipa | G2
Orchid Pie (#73075)

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Posted on
2020-08-28 12:45:18
The market depends on the time of the year and the event which is running.
I would and have supported ideas about making more uses for fodder lions - not just gorilla and karma fodder - to make them more desirable > more able to be sold.

But no, I wouldn't buy lions nor sell if they had base price. I am not talking about nesting etc - you can get even those for free lol - I want to be free to price them at what price I want. Game telling me to sell stuff at exact price would feel on top of that patronizing. And on another game I have played for 9 years now the game takes 10% of that price for economy - making base price for you since you lose that amount of money when selling basically. And that market crashed hard. I don't want Lioden to do the same. I have been playing for almost 5,5 years and well, the market is still standing. And pricing wouldn't be as easy at it is now - you would need to add the actual price to that 80 SB and well, it would at least drive me away from selling.

Plus making such a major "fix" to trading system after 8 years of the game existing...yeah.

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Pleia (#18444)

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Posted on
2020-08-28 12:49:56
Hmmm, I can respect that! I still will disagree and believe that a base price is good, however I can see where you are coming from ^^

I do like the idea of maybe some way to get rid of/profit off of fodder lions as well. That might be a decent idea to think about. The gorilla isnt very helpful to me T.T

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Mad Hyena (#29080)

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Posted on
2020-08-28 12:50:30
No support, many lions are worth less than 80 SB, quite a lot are worth 10 SB like fodder NCLs.
Plus, its not really going to help - if there's a minimum and people want to sell the lion cheaper, they will just put extra SB into the trade and essentially "refund" most of the price. People already do that with studding, sending back part of the price, except in trades it will be even easier as it wont require any extra steps, just include some SB along with the lion. So it will be a pretty useless addition that's easily bypassed. People will still sell cheap lions for cheaper than minimum, but it will create extra annoyance at having to put own SB into the trade.

It will also quite confuse newbies. A no-mark, NCL based dirty lined potato cub isnt worth 80 SB and nobody would pay that much for one - but if there's a minimum price, newbies will think that's a fair price for it, and be confused why their cubs don't sell. So it will actually hurt the market by confusing newer members, not help it.

The idea of profiting off fodder been suggested many times, however there's really no way to make it better than the gorilla currently. If there was a "pound" of sorts, that bought any lion for, say, 100SB - then yes, market prices wouldn't go lower than that, setting a natural minimum for lion. BUT it will create an issue of cub milling, with users excessively breeding lions just for the purpose of giving them to receive SB reward - adding extra strain to the server and taking server space, plus inflating GB prices because SB will be easier to obtain. (Personal experience observing this happening on another game.)

Lioden may not have the best lion-selling market, but it is due to randomness of breeding and the amount of fail/reject cubs far exceeding successful/wanted ones, not due to low prices on lions. Forcing higher prices on lions nobody wants because they just dont have enough desired traits, just not going to help them sell better - if people dont want the cub for 20 SB, they definitely wont pay 80 SB for it.

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Edited on 28/08/20 @ 13:07:27 by Mad Hyena (#29080)

🏵️ Paipa | G2
Orchid Pie (#73075)

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Posted on
2020-08-28 13:29:14
^ Yes Mad Hyena, this is what I was going after also (inside my head since I can't translate that from Finnish to English well enough, oops)

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Pleia (#18444)

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Posted on
2020-08-28 17:46:35
you guys bring up some good points ^^ <3

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Karma (#111110)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2020-11-02 15:35:25
This would ruin the entire point of gorilla enclave which I personally really enoy! Whenever I have cubs I don't want I always put them for less than 100 SB because I know somebody will still get a use out of it (unless they're muties/rare base). Fodder wise, nobody will pay a particularly high amount for a cub that they're basically deleting off of the game anyway.

I do agree the pricing situation is pretty lame as of late however upping prices will just leave people who need SB even worse off. Higher lion prices means they'll find it hard to own good lions.

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Eldritch g1 rl clone (#211139)

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Posted on
2020-11-02 15:37:00
i feel like this will just drive the price of actually valuable lions (like muties and rosettes) waaaay up

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AkiraRose (#164628)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2020-11-08 05:06:05
I like this idea - it could have an option at the bottom like there is for studding i.e minimum 275sb for example. I struggle when it comes to seeking lions and often sell cubs for 60sb for fodder reasons. However it be nice to know the minimum a lion would be worth.

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Karma (#111110)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2020-11-08 07:12:31
Nobody would stick to it though you'd just have money sent back after the trade is complete, like people do with studding

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Emerald (#15750)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2020-11-08 08:25:15
I put my lions up that cheap for Enclave fodder purposes and others do the same. This isn't really much of an issue.

15 SB and the like are fodder prices or they just wanna get rid of a lion and make a little money off it, while still being dirt cheap. No Support.

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Edited on 08/11/20 @ 08:25:52 by Emerald (#15750)

Vulpine-Poltergeist (#1073)

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Posted on
2020-11-10 13:58:26
No support from me.

I joined in closed beta, and I've just never seen a need for something like this- people will price their lions how they like, and will learn what they will and won't sell at.

There's a lot of lions in game, and people are fairly picky about which ones they want in their prides; there's a lot of supply, but highly selective demand. Forcing people to price their lions/cubs higher just because you value them more is just..

You can always buy/resell the ones you feel aren't priced right.

Some people price them low because they see no value in those particular lions, need space quick, or simply because they're meant to be fodder.

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