Posted by rework decor on muties

Jay:Starry dense
colorbomb (#194641)

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Posted on
2020-09-02 07:49:05
Note: This is not a suggestion for redrawing the art to fit primals.

Primal ferus girls' poses are closer to normal male lions, but when you try to put decor on them its defaults to the generic female. If it defaulted to normal male, more decor would fit the Ferus gals.
Same goes with Felis girls and adolescent males.

I don't know if this is possible from a coding standpoint, but it would be a nice workaround as opposed to redrawing decor for muties

This suggestion has 20 supports and 3 NO supports.

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Ferus|BO Mark (#206532)

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Posted on
2020-09-02 08:00:57
Well, there is a sort of workaround I discovered when putting decor on my primal ferus king. If you use a tigers eye on them to make them look like adols, the decor shows up correctly because the adol pose is the same as a regular lion(adol) pose

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Edited on 02/09/20 @ 08:01:15 by BO Firelord|Astral Ferus (#206532)

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