Posted by Wollemi Forest Mice adoptables

🌵 SpicyKale 🌴 (#184461)

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Posted on
2020-09-04 20:20:30

Wollemi forest mice
This is an interactive roleplay game in which you can 'catch' your own custom "Wollemi Forest mouse". You will be presented with choices, and your response will dictate and design the mouse you catch.
Please scroll past this to find information, examples and prices

🌾 Set in Australia - Catch your own 🌾

There's this crazy old man that lives in the forest, he has a possum skin hat, it's tail swings from side-to-side as you walk beside him.
"Have you ever heard of Wollemi forest mice?" His eyes are excited as he watches the trees go by.
How did he lure you into a conversation? You're not sure.. but you play along. No? What about Wollemi pine? They thought it had been extinct for million of years, but no! There were a few alive, right here in this forest." His beard quivers and he looks you in the eyes.
"The mice are the same. I've seen them. I'm telling you, they're real. Wollemi Forest Mice.. that's what i'm calling them."
"Oh- you do believe me?"
His eyes light up, as if he expected you to put up more of a fight.
"Well! I've been wanting to try and catch one, would you like to help? Really?! Well, the first thing we need to do is buy some tracking gear."

Magnifying Glass 6 (pick 2 items)
Mouse detector gadget 9 (pick 3 items)
Infrared goggles 12 (pick 4 items, higher chance of rare traits or mutations)

Please ask about paying with items!

Gear using:
Place searching:
(forest or outback)
Any other specifics you'd like me to know when creating:
(just so we both are sure of the price!)
"Here's everything you need to know about catching one of these mice."
The old man hands you a messy piece of paper

-They can be found in two different areas, the forest and the outback.
-We need to collect objects to lure them into the trap, different sets of objects will collect different mice
-If a hunt is currently in progress, the thread will say 'closed', but you can buy flat sales or reserve a spot.
-The first reply (the 'logbook') has examples of previous mice
-This is an 'original' species, but not a closed one.
-Their lineart is original to this thread
-You will not be able to find them without purchasing one tracking gear, this is the only cost
-The time it takes for a mouse to 'enter a trap' (me to draw it) might vary
-I'd love to see anything you draw/make of these characters!

Wollemi national park is located in NSW Australia. It's landscape includes mountains, lakes, forests, plains and many interesting species. The rare Wollemi Pine is said to be a 'living fossil', found only recently but formerly thought to have been extinct for millions of years.

Html by 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐝 (#113253)

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Edited on 22/12/22 @ 18:55:49 by 🦕 IcyKale 🎄 (#184461)

🌵 SpicyKale 🌴 (#184461)

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Posted on
2020-09-04 20:52:30

Old Man's Logbook

Hyjo (#150839):
Littie Birb (#31750)
Disku (#152171)
🦎Lizard Envoy🐊 (#25961)
Design not by me, drawing of Sicarian (#86672)’s character

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Edited on 26/09/20 @ 20:25:08 by 🌴 SpicyKale 🐝 (#184461)

🌵 SpicyKale 🌴 (#184461)

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Posted on
2020-09-04 20:52:37

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Hyjo (#150839)

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Posted on
2020-09-06 02:33:30
Gear using: Infrared goggles
Place searching: Forest
Any other specifics you'd like me to know when creating: Nothing really, just have fun!
Price: 6 originally, but paying with Chatoyant Enamel

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🌵 SpicyKale 🌴 (#184461)

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Posted on
2020-09-06 03:37:30
'The forest it is!'
It takes a while to hike up into the middle of the bush, when you get there you are both tired. But, the long walk was worth it! While searching in the undergrowth, you manage to find six items with your goggles. Perhaps you could lure a mouse with them? You can choose four of these items to include in your trap.
(Magpie feather, Eucalyptus leaf, Wattle branch, Dry grass, Charcoal and a Tuft of fur)

edit: forgot to mention, items with a red outline are more 'rare' then those with a green!

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Edited on 06/09/20 @ 03:39:08 by 🐫 SpicyKale 🐫 (#184461)

Hyjo (#150839)

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Posted on
2020-09-06 03:46:59
I'll use the Magpie feather, Wattle branch, Charcoal and Dry grass for the trap!

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🌵 SpicyKale 🌴 (#184461)

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Posted on
2020-09-06 03:55:20
"Sweet!" Together, you make the trap, and place it under a tree.
"Now, it's probably time to go get some rest, let's check back later and see if we caught one." You go back down the hill towards your home.

(it's night time for me now, so i'll start it tomozzos ^^)

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🌵 SpicyKale 🌴 (#184461)

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Posted on
2020-09-08 01:20:34
The two of you venture into the forest for a second time, seeking out the place you set the trap. You hear a rustling sound in the undergrowth, about where you remember putting it.
The man gasps, and brushes away the leaves covering the trap. Together, you look inside, it’s a mouse!
“That’s it!” He yells. “That’s the mouse we’ve been searching for, ha! I knew they were real.” Carefully, you remove it and hold it up to the light. It seems pretty calm about being abducted.
The mouse’s coat is the colour of a pumpkin and delicate, charred branches sprout from its skull.
You watch as the man writes something in his notebook;
Tail patches
Charred branch antlers

After taking a few photos to stick in his book, he turns to you, “Well, I’ve got all the evidence I need now. If you like, she’s yours!”

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Edited on 08/09/20 @ 02:54:54 by 🐁 The spicy Side 🌴 (#187580)

Hyjo (#150839)

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Posted on
2020-09-08 01:35:47
Aaaa, she looks gorgeous!

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The spicy Side 🐁 (#187580)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2020-09-08 02:42:14
i'm so glad you like her <3
(this is my side)
you can click on the image for better quality ^^

also tell me if there's anything on the thread or drawings i can improve on

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Edited on 08/09/20 @ 02:45:03 by 🐁 The spicy Side 🌴 (#187580)

✨Toadbarks✨ (#31750)

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Posted on
2020-09-08 02:57:32
Gear using: Infrared goggles
Place searching: forest
Any other specifics you'd like me to know when creating: nope ^^
Price: 6

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The spicy Side 🐁 (#187580)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2020-09-08 03:09:30
"Hurrah!" Says the old man. "Well, let's go on a hike then, eh?"
You both pack your bags, and start up the mountain. How small the tracks are! You can tell not many people travel this far.

It's pretty late for me here, so i'll roll your items tomorrow if that's okay <3
also since today i'm only rolling on my side i won't be able to see if you've sent payment, so if you do let me know! (you can send it whenever you like)

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✨Toadbarks✨ (#31750)

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Posted on
2020-09-08 03:15:37
Sounds perfectly fine to me ^^ <3
annd payment sent !

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The spicy Side 🐁 (#187580)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2020-09-08 15:55:17
You travel of the track to give the goggles a try, and find six items hidden nearby.
The old man says you can choose four, to include in the trap on the forest floor.
You found: Eucalyptus leaf, charcoal, fresh moss, a daisy, snake’s shed and dry grass.

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✨Toadbarks✨ (#31750)

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Posted on
2020-09-08 16:31:37
I'll use fresh moss, the daisy, dry grass and the eucalyptus leaf for the trap ^^

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The spicy Side 🐁 (#187580)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2020-09-08 17:00:24
After a while of fidgeting, you get the trap to work. Those items are sure to lure in a mouse! The man shoves it into the undergrowth, you wouldn’t even know it was there!
Finally, the two of you go home. The entire walk back the man talks about how famous he will be when he discovers this new species.
Check back later to see what you caught!

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