Posted by Help with Double Elysian Stud Pricing

Takara (#55375)

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2020-09-06 17:26:14
Hello! I am posting because I’d like some feedback on what my new stud’s price should be.

Currently my king is a non-mutated, clean-lined, double Elysian with Celestite eyes and 10 markings. In the future I plan on mutation and stat replacing him with a clean-lined Clouded Piebald with a minimum of 1k stats (projected at least 1,250-1,500 stats by the time that replacement is kinged). Additionally that king will have an Incubus mane instead of Barbary.

The lion in question, sans mutation, is here:

I’m wondering what the price should be for the stud as is, and what a good price might be when the Clouded Pie mut replacer with Incubus mane is eventually kinged.

Thank you - I appreciate the help so much!!

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Edited on 06/09/20 @ 17:32:24 by Takara (#55375)

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