Posted by Updating Combo Base Factors

McMac N Cheese (2x
ros NRLC) (#128719)

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Posted on
2020-09-06 21:24:37
Now that we have more bases since combos started coming out I was thinking about how nice it would be to have some of these newer bases be added as factors for older combos! Maybe add some to combos that need more base factors? It would give people a good reason to breed said bases more for uses outside of looking pretty!

Stratosphere and leonid(1st base group) could be used for Cairngorm to go with the original celestial bases

Strat(1st base group) and Noctis(2nd base group) could also go with Elysian!

Velvet and Noctis could be added to Nadir (both 1st base group)

(not sure if it's newer than the combo itself but) Clear White could be used alongside Albino as a factor for Cloudburst

Heck maybe combos could be used more to breed other combos, like Pulsar and Temporal could become factors for new OR pre-existing combo bases to make the bases themselves more popular and useful year-round!

If anyone has additional ideas or suggestions feel free to post a comment ;v; would love to get feedback and thoughts!

This suggestion has 6 supports and 2 NO supports.

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