Posted by A New Impression Level?

Scout the Arsonist (#158691)

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Posted on
2020-09-18 05:23:00
Getting to a dreamboat impression level, in at least my opinion, is pretty easy. It takes a bit, but once you reach dreamboat? It's all you have to do for impression.

However, what if there was a new level- An interactive level of impression for people who already achieved dreamboat!

The level itself is Casanova (Or Catsanova, as suggested by MadHyena [#29080]), and lions at this level can do a little more than just charm the ladies~

I had a few ideas for this:

1. Casanova level lions only lose 3% energy to breeding vs 5%, and gain 1-2 territory slots upon granted this level

2. Casanova lions could have a "collection" feature, where a record keeps tracks of lionesses they breed with. Each new based lioness they breed with adds a base color to the collection. It's purely for bragging rights, and could come with an achievement for collecting all bases!

3. Casanova lions can compete with each other! The highest impression levels can be on a leaderboard, like how minigames have them!

4. Maybe February's event could tie into it!

However, this is how you would get the level to balance out the benefits (list can change):

-You have to level up 5 times after Dreamboat
-You must also have 1 Dove Feast
-Your lion must have at least 10 lionesses
-You MUST complete the lioness snake quest at least once!


1. "For evil lions, lose 5 energy when defeating an NPC in battle or gaining a small increase of experience while good lions have a higher chance of breeding even with low ferts. I am throwing out ideas, feel free to use them" This was an interesting suggestion made by roman (#188751)!

EDIT: Changed the name, I didn't realize that the other name was inappropriate

This suggestion has 47 supports and 19 NO supports.

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Edited on 18/09/20 @ 09:54:19 by Catuli The Lesbioness (BLM) (#158691)

Orchid Shreds (#210153)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2020-09-18 07:13:11
I'm neutral about the idea but the name makes me uncomfortable ^^

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Scout the Arsonist (#158691)

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Posted on
2020-09-18 07:17:42
I'll make an edit on the post! It is... a wranchy name

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Mad Hyena (#29080)

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Posted on
2020-09-18 07:24:02
Maybe Catsanova for the name?

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Scout the Arsonist (#158691)

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Posted on
2020-09-18 07:26:08
you. you're cool.

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roman 🌈 (#188751)

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Posted on
2020-09-18 09:39:15
I don't know about this, I like the current impression levels but I wouldn't be giving good criticism if I wasn't giving some ideas to improve your suggestion.

An addition impression level is a meh idea maybe you could tie something in with karma? For evil lions, lose 5 energy when defeating an NPC in battle or gaining a small increase of experience while good lions have a higher chance of breeding even with low ferts. I am throwing out ideas, feel free to use them.

I will stay subscribed to this thread, for now I am neutral (no vote)

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Scout the Arsonist (#158691)

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Posted on
2020-09-18 09:51:57
Personally, I got kinda bored with impression and I just thought this would be yet another way we can be interactive with the game! Kinda like how we have beetle systems, challenges players set up, events, etc. I do understand not everyone will feel the same, and that's okay!

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