Posted by Lion Auctions! [OPEN]

julie! ☀︎ g3
smilus mrlc (#149069)

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Posted on
2020-09-24 08:32:25

Welcome to my lion auctions!

Before we get to the beauties for sale, here's some rules:
1. My currency conversion is 1 = 1200 . Sorry if you don't like it, it's not going to change!
2. I'll accept other things than currency as bids and I'm not very picky about what those things are. I don't have a specific list, so if you're unsure if I'd take it or not, you can always ask!
3. If you don't answer the trade for the lion(s) you bought within 2 rollovers, they'll be put back up for bids as long as they're still under one year. I'll make exceptions to this rule if needed, just try your best to tell me you need more time!
4. Bidding will close on a lion 24 hours after the most recent bid or directly after if the lion has been auto bought.
5. It's helpful for everyone involved if you refer to the lion you're interested in by their given name when PMing me, asking a question, placing a bid, whatever it is.
6. Most of the auto buy prices of my lions for auction will be set at 1200 or 1 . This is to encourage bidding... and because I'm not very good at setting prices for things, sorry! Muties and other special lions will be priced case-by-case.

And now some important information:
1. The female lions will be posed based on their personalities and shown at both normal and 100% opacities. If they're shown with a special background, it will not be included. The normal image version is a clickable link.
2. The male lions will be shown at normal opacity in both images, once as a normal adult and once as a female. The normal male adult image will be clickable and the female version will show their personality type. Pop the lion into the wardrobe if you want to check out their 100% opacity version for yourself!
3. All of the lions should be sex-changeable.
4. Some of the lions will be clean and some won't, so clean breeders beware! I'll do my best to list what generation the lion is and whether or not their heritage is clean or dirty, but make sure to check for yourself if cleanliness is important to you!
5. You're welcome to PM me any offers, questions, suggestions, etc. at any time. I prefer that offers aren't shared with me privately because I don't think it's very fair to other bidders in the forum, but I understand! We'll work through it.
6. The lions will have their information listed in this order: Stats | Fertility | Base & Genetics | Eyes | Mane Type & Color. Their markings will be listed below.

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Edited on 26/09/20 @ 13:04:45 by kelly (#149069)

julie! ☀︎ g3
smilus mrlc (#149069)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2020-09-24 08:40:46

Now, on to the lions!






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Edited on 26/09/20 @ 19:29:08 by kelly (#149069)

julie! ☀︎ g3
smilus mrlc (#149069)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2020-09-26 19:29:39
Private Offer: Starting bid (300 ) on Cotton Candy by #180314.

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blue (#269032)

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Posted on
2022-06-03 13:58:41
I Would like to buy black ice for 1 gb

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blue (#269032)

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Posted on
2022-06-05 10:55:28
nvm I guess

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