Posted by [April] Overall Event Changes

roman 🌈 (#188751)

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Posted on
2020-09-29 10:41:31
I have played only one April event and I found to be torture. A lot of other player's also found it that way so I want to propose a few changes to April's event to make it more enjoyable.

* A new base.
There is no base applicators in the Wenet or Bunny shops, I found that to be odd as there is atleast one applicator per event that can be either bought or crafted. I would love another base similar to Festive, a bright and colorful base. A colorful base would really go well with the month.

If anyone has a base concept, I would love to add it to the thread (you will be credited for your work)

* A new breeding item.
Bunnies are horny animals and breed a lot, so this new item would make sense. this idea was suggested by 199833. An item that gives a 25% chance of a four cub litter. If the item fails, the litter will be a one cub litter. Its a risky item to use but isn't too overpowered.

* New decorations
Some new flower and baby animal decorations would be really nice! Last year, I purchased every piece of decor so some new additions would be nice to see.

* Easter Egg Hunts
From the 4th to the 7th, on player's dens there will be a basket where you can select to pick an egg. Similar to Halloween's pumpkin event. Picking up eggs and placing them into your basket will grant small items such as lucky feet, event currency, fluffball bodies, currency, and a rare chance for Wenet's currency.

I will be adding more ideas as they come to mind. If you have any feedback or suggestions, I will add them as well!

This suggestion has 38 supports and 8 NO supports.

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Roxanne (G1 Seal
Jellyfish) (#121082)

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Posted on
2020-09-29 10:50:48
Technically, there are bases associated with April. Hibiscus and Fuchsia.
You can only find Fuchsia Flowers in explore during April.

As for the four cub litter item, I don't think the market needs to be oversaturated with more cubs lol

I can agree with new flower and animal decors for April. We always get new decors every month, so I don't think that'll be an issue.

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{rolled 9/23/24} (#101518)

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Posted on
2020-11-15 16:45:26
i agree with the base idea, they are being introduced all the time in events where there are already enough apps (such as last month and this month). fuchsia flowers are a factor in a craftable base, so it is a bit different. like locust wings in september, you need enough of a certain item to make it but there are also apps like the seer and augur available in the shops.
for the breeding item, i would not say we need a new one but we could make those existing available in this event. GoP seems like it would fit well enough with the theme, and of course i am always down for buffies being available for event currency.
and i like the easter egg hunt idea!! it could span the easter week/weekend or be an all-month thing with lower drop rates/much more likely to get a common item or currency over a more favorable prize

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