Posted by Cleaning out Pride
Kitsuma (#128201)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2020-10-17 01:46:04
I need to clean out my pride but don't want to just giveaway or sell for super cheap. These are the lions that I wish to sell.

Adult Male Lion Brontannas
Adult Male Lion Champagne
Adult Male Lion Cermait
Nameless Female Cub 1
Adult Male Lion Cadel
Adult Male Lion Ciaran
Adult Male Lion Horas
Adult Male Lion Iolan
Adult Male Lion Owain
Adult Male Lion Rhydian
Adult Male Lion Trystan
Adult Lioness Cairde
Adult Lioness Chartruex
Adult Lioness Una
Adult Lioness Muire
Adult Lioness Valmai
Adolescent Lioness Aeronwen
Adult Lioness Cadi
Adult Lioness Gael
Adult Lioness Glenda
Adult Lioness Llinos
Nameless Male Cub 1
Adolescent Female Medi
Adult Lioness Sian
Adolescent Lioness Sioned
Adult Lioness Siubhan
Adult Lioness Tirion

Some of the lionesses are still nursing cubs. Those cubs are going to be sold when 6 months. If they could also be price checked. I appreciate all the help in this! I haven't yet figured out selling and pricing lions.

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Benny ☄️ (#206771)

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Posted on
2020-10-17 16:20:50
Your adult males would probably go for 100-500 sb since theyre grown males without too special marks, probably on the lower end if they are dirty. Ciaran could get away with going for more because of desireable marks. (Maybe 600 sb?)

Your chartreux lioness might go for 200-300 sb, but given her age it might be less. Her cub would be fodder. (30-50 sb). Your mobola might go for 100-150 sb since her base is exclusive for ncls, but is quite common.
Since Cadi has nice marks, she might go for 100-200 sb. Her cubs would be fodder. Gael could go for 200 sb, probably, since albino is good for combo breeding. Maybe 150 because she is old. The rest of you lionesses would probably by 50-150 sb, and all of their cubs would be fodder.

Both of your cubs would go for 30-50 sb, since they don't have special marks or nice bases- probably fodder cubs for the enclave or for karma.

Sioned and Aeronwen would also go for 30-50 sb, too.

Hopefully this helps! I'm a bit new so I don't know too much about the tc, but after being here for a few months I think this is what these lions would be valued at.

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Kitsuma (#128201)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2020-10-17 16:26:33
Thanks that helps me a lot!

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