Posted by RETIRING SOON| 1000+ | Primal Felis | 10M |

🐐MustacheDuctTape (#116478)

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Posted on
2020-10-21 12:02:54

The Primal Queen: Nanto
I'm returning from a long break so I'll do my best to adjust things as I go!!

Stats: 1000+ [constantly growing]
Price: 150 SB base
100 SB for members of Studs Buds!

Base: Bast
Genetics: Golden Medium Countershaded Special
Eyes: Mint
Mane Type: Crested
Mane Color: Skyward
Mutation: Primal (Felis)

Slot 1: Onyx Back (27%)
Slot 2: Maroon Pelage (77%)
Slot 3: White Cobweb (54%)
Slot 4: Cherry Reverse Vitiligo Mash (53%)
Slot 5: Noctis Upendezi (56%)
Slot 8: Henna Cheetah Heavy (37%)
Slot 9: Blue Points (39%)
Slot 10: Cloudburst Brindle (52%)

Mutants Produced
Overall: 8

Please see Nanto's studily rules before studding!!

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Edited on 17/12/20 @ 08:39:49 by 🐐MustacheDuctTape (#116478)

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