Posted by -LOCKED - Set Lion Pronouns

Mr. Valentine (#181389)

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Posted on
2020-11-11 20:55:11
I think it'd be pretty cool to be able to set the pronouns of lead lions (and maybe pride members too?). I don't know if it changes what pronouns it uses if you frog them, but I think it'd be a neat little addition if you could go in and set them manually for roleplay purposes. Also nonbinary lions are cool.

If you don't support, please say why!

This suggestion has 17 supports and 22 NO supports.

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Polaroid, the mfing
Pie Lord (#163486)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2020-11-30 14:08:39
Non binary/intersex lions would be awesome. Pronouns aren't really implemented on lioden but to say the sex of a lion on their page.

I, like a lot of players, prefer the idea of a female leading the pride (yay feminism) so I lab test frog my main male and make a "queen". As for roleplay, you can always do something similar or call the lion non binary.

For now, I'm going to say No Support- the options we have now as far as male/female pronouns are ok imo. Intersex lions/other genders would be very cool though:)

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Posted on
2021-02-22 06:22:34


This has been suggested here already: Link.
If you'd like to, please pledge your support on the thread linked above!
To avoid having duplicate suggestions within the Development Boards, we'll lock your thread.

We hope that you'll understand!

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