Posted by Help with pricing

Zwirzaczek (#106804)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2020-11-17 13:40:54
How much would they be worth if anything?
I wrote down anything possibly notable. The photos are how they will look as adults (most are cubs).

cub F 1
Sunglow eyes
Barbary mane
Slot 1: Chatoyant Crackle (43%)
Slot 2: Sunset Siamese (42%)
Slot 9: Onyx Cheetah Royal (43%)

Ashen - rare breed only base
Onyx mane
Slot 1: White Underfelt (51%)
Slot 2: Sunset Lace (49%)
Slot 7: Sunset Feralis (49%)

cub F 3
Flint - rare breed only base
Blade Skyward mane

cub F 4
Royal celestial mane
Slot 3: Arctic Carving (12%)
Slot 8: Onyx Cheetah Soft (45%)
Slot 9: Fallow Shroud (59%)

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