Posted by Searching in TC/"Search" for Muties

Duzdee (#212773)

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Posted on
2020-11-20 20:43:47
I've been wanting this for quite a while...
When I'm searching for muties in the TC, I don't want to come across Primal Fangs, Achromia, etc... But I don't seem to see a way to exlude them?
Of course there is a way to select every single mutation besides the one(s) you don't want, but that's rather inconvinient and time consuming..

Proposition: A dropdown menu!

Very, very simple! Sort of like the "OR/AND" dropdown menu when you are setting GB/SB prices.
It would say "Includes/Excludes" and then it either "includes" or "excludes" the selected mutation(s)!

Not selecting any mutations for either option would do the same thing -- show every mutation.

I hope this would be fairly simple for the coders and I also hope people agree with me :D

(If this is in the wrong board or is a repost I'm sorry, it's my first time posting something like this ;v;)

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Edited on 20/11/20 @ 20:44:16 by Duzdee (#212773)

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