Posted by 🔔CHEAP🔔 : Details Below

Blü (#223060)

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Posted on
2020-11-26 16:51:28
[See bottom of post for a brief, but less informative, summary]

Okay, so I started a branch that holds a variety of items. I won't be checking or raising anythings price abnormally no matter how popular / unpopular that item may be. As of posting this it's sporting a variety of decor + some gemstones. I also have rainbow gemstones, feathers, fossils, bloodied decor and much more lined up once the current stock sells and I'll be sure to avoid the branch emptying when possible.

I will also be supporting free artwork and adopts / ych's on my discord server that you can see on my profile / den. I hope you enjoy and any questions please ask below!

TLDR : Low priced branch selling everything from Rainbow Gems to Feathers for cheap! No prices will exceed 75 silver Beatles *unless* they are a very valuable or wanted item (in my perspective not the shops).

The store will be randomly restocked each time an item is bought so feel free to check in anytime!

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