Posted by -LOCKED - Mutation hiding item

❄Demetria❄ The
Unfrozen (#141093)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2020-12-12 16:46:00
In the same way that you can use an item to get rid of your mutation, and an item to make your lion appear as a different gender- I would really appreciate an oasis item that visually hides a mutation.

For example, I want a smilus king that has a chance of creating smilus cubs, but I want to be able to dress him up in non-custom decor by changing the lineart back to normal.

This suggestion has 12 supports and 9 NO supports.

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Ninque (#106221)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2020-12-17 05:03:11
It would be too confusing and time-consuming to check for stud's mutation. You can make your smilus look like an adolescent and 99% of the official decors will work correctly. :)

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Edited on 17/12/20 @ 05:03:19 by ❄️ Ninque [G4 Lilac Clone] (#106221)

di (#126735)

Lone Wanderer
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2020-12-25 17:43:46
How would it be confusing and time consuming to scroll down to a stud's info and see what the mutation is? O.o It literally takes seconds.

I think OP meant they want their king to look like a normal king, not an adol. You know, without removing the mutation.

I like the idea, cause I dislike how few items there are for primals to wear. :/

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G1 Ice Primal (#193467)

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Posted on
2020-12-28 18:04:38
Ooooh, I kinda like this actually, though I can understand that it could get confusing.
Maybe the item would come in a form of a specific, subtle decor, similar to an angelic blessing so that you could still tell there is a mutation present?

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Edited on 28/12/20 @ 18:06:10 by matt |clean fissure (#193467)

Posted on
2021-01-22 18:12:29
Hi there!

This has already been suggested on this topic. You're welcome to pledge your support there, or post any feedback or suggestions you may have!

As this is a duplicate topic, it will be locked.

We kindly request that you utilize the "Search Boards" feature to see if a suggestion you have in mind may already have been posted by another player in the past, to avoid cluttering the Game Development forums with duplicate suggestions.

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Edited on 17/03/23 @ 14:15:18 by a Moderator

Topic is locked

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