Posted by Young Leonid Based Piebald Lioness

Ghost (#180958)

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Posted on
2020-12-27 10:59:55
Leonid Pie

This is the lioness! She has a really special base - Leonid - and has the Piebald, Svelte mutation, which makes her very rare!! She's only 5 years old, so she has a fair amount of heats left.

I'm looking for about 25 - 30 GB or the corresponding amount in SB (39 000SB) but I'm also willing to accept Breeding Items (Lion balls, Buffalo balls, GMO cow, etc.) and base/marking applicators.

I am willing to accept lions with other rare bases such as Stratosphere, Velvet, Elysian (in bulk), and others. The lion does NOT have to be clean, and the stats don't matter, but it has to have at least 5 marks.

The price is negotiable :)

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