Posted by Young average fert ice lady with decor, bg and art

Marshwalker🌲 (#220148)

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Posted on
2021-01-07 11:04:21
Today, this lady of mine had an ice based cub and I kind of prefer him to her despite his having less markings. I was thinking about sex changing and keeping him and selling her, as i think overall he'd be worth 1gb, especially if she gives me a few gb when i sell her. I don't know how much I'll get though? She comes with artwork by myself which is currently on my profile and I'm probably gonna just sell her with the cheap bg and decor she currently has.

She's, as of writing this, 2 years and 8 months old.

Do you think she'd be worth raffling her? I feel like I'm better off just selling her in the trading center but idk. I want at least 2gb for her, and idk if i'll get my money's worth in a raffle. << This is the girl.

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