Posted by -LOCKED - [REJECTED] Change Mod Anonymity

kit kat ⛄ G4 Ebony (#24909)

Special Snowflake
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Posted on
2021-01-22 16:03:39
Now before you lock this topic just hear me out, I am not suggesting to do away with mod anonymity, just adjusting it.

Prior to mods becoming anonymous, it seemed that the relationship between mods and players was very well maintained. Moderators were better regulated not only by one another, but by the community as a whole.

As it stands currently, relationships between the community and moderators is very shaky. There are numerous complaints about mods abusing power and not coordinating with one another. There is no way to regulate mods since they are completely anonymous. Not only does this pose a problem to players, but the mod team itself. One of the most common issues with anonymous mods is that they cannot cooperate, especially when it comes to resolving issues.
For example:
On x day, Mod B puts a strike on a user's account because they linked a king with closed studding in Main chat, since that is their take on the rules.

On y day, Mod D allows users to link a king with closed studding in Main chat, since that is their take on the rules.

There's multiple instances in which mods have conflicting takes on the rules. Since mods are completely anonymous, there's no way to submit a ticket for other mods to pinpoint each other, nor is there a flagging option for moderator messages.

Additionally, there have been multiple complaints about player targeting, which is particularly problematic when you are unable to prove a specific mod.

Here is my suggestion:
Mods will keep name anonymity, but will be identifiable by mod ID numbers, which are not to be confused by player ID numbers. Each moderator will get an ID that is unique to them that is visible whenever they respond to a ticket or post as a moderator. Only admins and other mods will be able to identify their user identity based on that number. In practice, when a mod writes a message in the chat or forums, it will display their mod ID above the message.

Moderator 234
Everybody have a good day!

To prevent confusion with user IDs, moderator IDs could consist of letters, rather than numbers.

Moderator ABC
Everybody have a good day!

Similarly, moderator messages in the forums will display that unique ID.

Anonymous Moderator News Post

Click Me!

This suggestion has 21 supports and 5 NO supports.

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Edited on 22/01/21 @ 16:06:44 by chamango (#24909)

🏵️ Paipa | G2
Orchid Pie (#73075)

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Posted on
2021-01-22 16:06:59
Support! Absolutely wonderful idea to fix the current situation!

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Katze (#3)

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Posted on
2021-01-22 16:11:48
I'm sorry, but I'll be rejecting this. This is nearly identical to a prior suggestion - you can review our reason for not allowing this here. There are numerous ways to submit complaints about moderator behaviour, you do not need an identifier to submit a report.

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