Posted by Hybrid Suggestions

Suzy { ALM } (#225832)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2021-01-24 04:45:59
Okay, I'm personally super obsessed with hybrids (in real life and in the game). I hope to one day breed a Tigon.

I have a suggestion for a Li-Tigon! The mother would have to be a Tigon. It would be a similar chance, maybe even lower, of a Tigon producing a Li-Tigon. I know breeding of hybrids, and mutations in general, doesn't work in the game the way it does in real life. But, I think it would be fun! Here is a photo of a Li-Tigon!

According to "Wild Cats Of The World" (1975) by Guggisberg, ligers and tigons were long thought to be sterile: "In 1943, however, a fifteen year old hybrid between a lion and an 'Island' tiger was successfully mated with a lion at the Munich Hellabrunn Zoo. The female cub, even though very delicate, was raised to adulthood." Prior to this all lion-tiger hybrids were believed to be sterile (even though other hybrid females such as jagulep females were already known to be fertile). 1943 seems to be the first recorded instance of a second generation hybrid of tiger and lion. This female tigon produced nine cubs in five litters between 1948 and 1950.

Another suggestion I have is for a Ti-Tigon!

This mutation would work the same as the Li-Tigon. A Tigon would have a very low chance of producing a Ti-Tigon cub. Definitely lower that passing on another Tigon cub. Maybe she got with that Tiger that had been roaming around! To keep it less incestuous, maybe there are more than one Tiger. lol Cubs would look more like Tigers than Lions. Unsure of art, but I posted a picture. Aren't they cute?

During the late 1970s/early 1980s, the Shambala Preserve had both a tigon and a ti-tigon. The full illustrated story of Noelle the tigon and Nathaniel, her ti-tigon son, is detailed in "The Cats of Shambala" by Tippi Hedren (also an article by V Junger, People 11:90-1 Jan. 22, 1979.). On Christmas morning 1978, handler Brad Darrington found a 1 lb striped female cub hidden behind the den box in Nikita's compound. Nikita was the preserve's 600 lb tiger who ruled a pride of 9 lionesses. The cub was believed to have be born to Debbie, a lioness that had arrived from LA Animal Control as an orphan in 1974. None of the lionesses was thought to have been pregnant, though they did sometimes give birth surreptitiously. Debbie rejected the cub. The was named Noelle and was hand-reared. At 5 days old, Noelle began making the nasal, puffing "ff-fuff" sounds of the tiger as well as the happy "aa-oow" of a lion cub. While tiger cubs dislike being held or cuddled, Noelle had the cuddly nature of a lion cub. Her nose was tiger-like rather than blunt like a lion. At about 2 weeks old, Noelle was diagnosed with septic arthritis which caused her to limp. At the time of Noelle's birth, Hedren knew of only 3 other tigons in the US.


On April 9, 2006, two Jaglion babies, Jahzara (female,) and Tsunami (male),
were (unexpectedly) born at Bear Creek Wildlife Sanctuary. In the case of the jaglions' parents, Lola and Diablo, every precaution was taken.
A great many people didn't think it was even possible for Lola to conceive,
but nonetheless, she was separated from Diablo each time
she came into estrus. You may ask why the separation wasn't made permanent. Actually, this
was attempted several times over the past few years. Lola and Diablo have
always been together. They came to Bear Creek within weeks of one
another, were bottle fed in the same nursery and became constant companions.
It seemed only logical to house them together as they grew up. When they
were reaching maturity, separation was attempted, only to result in both
animals becoming very anxious and suffering depression to the point where
Lola refused to eat. After a few attempts with the same results, Lola and
Diablo remained together and, against all odds and the efforts of the Bear
Creek staff, Nature prevailed and the babies were born. Lola and Diablo were permanently separated in 2012. They still share a fence,
and communicate daily. Lola is happy and healthy.


This one is hypothetical/unconfirmed. There has never been a Li-Jaglion that existed, but they sure could!


Again, this one has never actually been bred. It would be a Tiger bred to a Jaglion.


Never been done, but very possible! Sorry, not pics on this either.

This suggestion has 8 supports and 22 NO supports.

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123heaven (#108477)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2021-01-24 04:57:31
my apologies, but i'll be not supporting. jaglion sounds great, but the rest just feels like an extra unnecessary hybrid. we already have tigons & leopons, so why would we need a More Advanced version of the former? i know the majority that you mentioned does indeed exist in the real world, but like i said before; it feels like an unnecessary addition which only makes things more complicated.

edit:: additionally, a jag-lion suggestion already exists and has over 2000 supports.

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Edited on 24/01/21 @ 05:02:28 by ꒰ rival ꒱ 📎 G1 BOshred (#108477)

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