Posted by Buying YOUR Items!! [in bulk, too!]

✨ starrine
[birthday girl!!!] (#3165)

Deathlord of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2021-01-24 22:58:31
buying your:

- lion meat: 4 each
- grain of paradise: 3 each
- yohimbe bark: 5 each
- lion scrotum: 10 each
- buffalo scrotum: 10 each
- hyena meat: 250 each, or 1 for 4
- black stallion: 500 each or 1 for 2

- leopard orchids: 500 each, or 1 for 2
- giant tortoises: 1 for 2
- broken drones/coconuts: 20 each, or 1 for 50
- vulture eggs: 10 each, or 1 for 100

- fermented marula fruit: 10 each, or 1 for 100
- meat pies: 1 per use
- roasted lamb/red bull: 1 each

- underbrush: 15 each, or 1 for 75
- locust wings: 15 each, or 1 for 75
- antelope hooves: 25 each, or 1 for 44
- large leaves: 15 each, or 1 for 75
- murex shells: 30 each, or 1 for 37
- rainbow stones: 25 each, or 1 for 44
- ALL GEMS LISTED BELOW FOR 20 each, or 1 for 50
- kunzite, rhodonite, rough ruby, amethyst, natural glass


buying ALL HERBS LISTED for 10 each!! 110 herbs = 1 GB!
- african cucumber
- buchu
- dream root
- honey bush
- iboga root
- ubhubhubhu
- uzara
- uvuma-omhlope
- umganu
- uqume
- imphepho
- nut grass
- stripped cacti


if you don't like my prices, don't sell to me! :]
send me a private trade! :)

1100 = 1

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Edited on 01/03/23 @ 13:44:06 by ✨ starrine [g3 ferus 3x ros] (#3165)

✨ starrine
[birthday girl!!!] (#3165)

Deathlord of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2023-03-14 20:41:38
yup, I can calculate it!! <3

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