Posted by -LOCKED - Glimpse of the Alternate is pointless

Feruscorn (#185649)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2021-02-03 11:41:32
Just what it says. Why spend SB to view your king as a lioness, lioness as a male, etc. for a moment when you can just import the lion to the wardrobe and change its gender there for free? It should be either made free or removed.

This suggestion has 31 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Ama (#183150)

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Posted on
2021-02-03 12:52:57
I've been wondering why it exists since I joined LD tbh XD support.

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Posted on
2021-04-15 14:28:33
Hi there!

This has already been suggested on this topic.  You're welcome to pledge your support there, or post any feedback or suggestions you may have!

As this is a duplicate topic, it will be locked.

We kindly request that you utilize the "Search Boards" feature to see if a suggestion you have in mind may already have been posted by another player in the past, to avoid cluttering the Game Development forums with duplicate suggestions.

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