Posted by 1000 CRB tracking project challenge

Bread🍞Dealer🥞 (#146681)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2021-02-20 09:50:32
edit: after achieving my goal i will now rate this project for those looking to do this

Challenge Hardness Rating ★★★★★
Financial Friendliness Rating ☆☆☆☆☆ HARD
Material Usage Rating ★★★★★ (nesting, food, amusement.)
doability Rating ★★☆☆☆

TDLR for entire post:
this is a very hard project to do, and while there are a few projects like this circulating by older members, i want to advise that it is HARD. if you don't have much experience in selling, and don't have a steady gb income, this can very well take you a really long time and cause frustration if mass litters don't go your way. i was lucky to reach my goal at 900. if you are new to crb breeding, do a few mock breeds to see if you really want to commit to this challenge, and see how timing is. 1000 gb + cost of cub testing, nesting, food, and other stuff can quickly add up. you can make money back, but its a gamble. don't let that deter you though, i made about 3x the worth i spent in the end. good luck and happy crb projecting!


Just looking to see what I can get
My goal is 1000 within a year. NOT within this year but within a 12 month period. Or until I get a first gen hybrid whichever comes first

Probably not gonna test for amps tbh is the mass breeding cave this is the cave where i shove al the mutations i get that im selling and/or giving away :> (don't ask for freebies on this post)

BREEDING 1 (40 crb ncls) MAIN ACC will be born feb 21 2020


Breeding 2 (40 crb ncls) SIDE ACC born feb 25


Breeding 3 (36 crb ncls), lowering most of their percentages to 1-5%
MAIN ACC born ???


breeding 4 MAIN ACC (33 crbed lionesses)


breeding 5 MAIN ACC (18 crbed lionesses)


breeding 6 MAIN ACC(20 crbed lionesses)


Breeding 7, 8 crbs MAIN ACC:


Breeding 8, 25 CRBS MAIN ACC:



Breeding 9, 44 CRBS MAIN ACC( 30 crb's with lion meat):


Breeding 10, 40 crbs main acc:


Breeding 11, 34 crbs main acc (30 w lion meat)
[spoiler]foldie 2
achro 3[/spoiler]

Breeding 12, 70 crbs main acc (21 1% ferts, 1 gmo, 8 lion meats, 6 pennyroyals
5 amps
1 felis
1 smilus
1 foldie
2 poly
3 achromias
1 primal [/spoiler]

Breeding 13, 80 crb'd lionesses main acc
4x bobtails
4x primals
1x achro (surprisingly)
3x foldies
1x tailless
8x amps[/spoiler]

Breeding 14, 80 crb ncls main acc:
2x bobbed
2x achro
1x primal
1x maneless amp
7x amps[/spoiler]

breeding 15, 80 ncls on main:
2x primal
1x og tongue
4x bobbed
2x achro
1x felis
1x foldie
6x amps

breeding 16, 80 crb ncls on main:
7x primal
5x melanistic
5x achromia
5x bobbed
2x poly
1x tailless
1x blind
1x foldie
1x og tongue
6x amps

breeding 17, 90 crb ncls on main:
2x folded
1x primal
1x primal fang
1x og tongue
2x bobbed
4x amp

breeding 18, 90 crb ncls on main:
1x clawless
4x bobbed
2x felis
3x primal
3x primal fangs
2x achromia
1x tailless
7x amp


MASS BREEDING 1 (SIDE ACC): 26 lionesses
mutatins born: 0

nests, ncls, crb, crb ncls, lion meat.
donations welcome, but i can manage!

idk what i'm gonna give to these people yet, but they deserve the world!

PCmoon donated 3 crb's! thank you!
Macabreroses donated 5 crbs!
katze donated 3 crbs!

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Edited on 27/12/22 @ 06:59:20 by YourLocalBreadDealer (crb god) (#146681)

🌙PCmoon [g1
tovero ebony rlc] (#222735)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2023-01-09 14:53:34
Ahhh I just got back from a long break and OMG YOU FINALLY DID IT!! It is also a christmass baby omg :000

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Bread🍞Dealer🥞 (#146681)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2023-01-09 15:14:06

not to mention, I'm doing another one of these lol. I'm at 300 crbs outta another thousand

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Lunar_i (#249436)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2023-01-09 15:17:09
wAIT you're doing another crb? or another mass breeding??

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🌙PCmoon [g1
tovero ebony rlc] (#222735)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2023-01-09 15:17:35
Woah the other one is going FAST
Will make sure to check it out!!

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Bread🍞Dealer🥞 (#146681)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2023-01-09 15:33:59
going to be doing another crb project! it will be after feb, i'll post it here. i just want to make sure i'm keeping with my budget and not spending more, and making sure its not as spaced out as this one was

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Opti (g1 12.15.23
Pecora RLC) (#23964)

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Posted on
2023-01-09 15:39:07
Fantastic!!!! I can't wait to watch!!!

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