Posted by Fix Poacher chase!

π΅π“Šπ“ƒπ“ƒπ“Ž (#137456)

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Posted on
2021-03-03 08:50:44
I've seen many people complain about poacher chase this year, and I've got to agree, there are a few things about the game I want fixed. Obviously if we fix poacher chase we have to fix the fire game in August.

The main things I've seen said are: the game makes people's eyes hurt, and with reduced motion it still makes some sick; you start out excruciatingly slow and it makes it harder to even start the game (when it should be the easiest part), the hit-boxes on obstacles is weird.

I have a suggestion for fixes! We can start the moving ground the same speed as the lion or instead of it moving it can instead scroll- the whole game would scroll (even the background, which can be turned off) so when your lion is moving it's not just the ground scrolling by itself, and it wouldn't be as fast. If this needs to be explained better I can try my best.

Make the lion start out just a little faster than it does, enough for the lion to be running rather than walking with a running animation.

And make the hit-box for the obstacles... better. Not sure how to phrase that but I can explain. If you just so barely touch the obstacle after jumping, you die. There can be a certain time that you're invincible when you're landing a jump. Obviously if you jump at the wrong time and hit the obstacle you should be punished for it, but this is specifically for when you're landing your jumps.

Here's a suggestion that truly doesn't matter but I wanted to say it while i had the chance! When you get to a certain score, we should be allowed to double jump. Press space-bar twice and we jump 2 times, or twice our height. Of course this won't be available at the start of the game- unless you put double jump at the start and not when you get to.. let's say 5k-10k points. Once you're there you can't double jump anymore to make it harder.

This suggestion has 18 supports and 3 NO supports.

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⚑ (#110675)

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Posted on
2021-03-04 02:45:55
I agree about the hitboxes - it's weird. Starting them game is the hardest because I have to almost step on the obstable because the first jump is so short.

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