Posted by -LOCKED - Random Base Applicator

Anxiety Prime™
[11.25.22 RLC] (#191357)

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Posted on
2021-03-24 23:50:09
So we have random marking apps, and random eyes apps but I thought it would be cool to have random base changers, why we have total shuffles tho?? You may ask, let's say you found a perfect 5 rosette heir full BO except his base, you wanna make the base let's say, ebony but you can only use a total shuffle and you don't wanna lose all your BO marks and rosettes, a random base app (RBA) would work like a rma with rates like this:

46.8% Custom Base
46.8% Rare Base
5% NCL exclusive Base
0.8% App base (No commons, bases such as dust bases, Alabaster etc)
0.5% Combo Base
0.1% Raffle Base

Would cost 5 in oasis (Maybe 10, though 5 gb would be more fair-)

If you don't support please let me know why

This suggestion has 2 supports and 1 NO support.

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Edited on 24/03/21 @ 23:52:31 by Weasel [Semi hiatus check bio] (#191357)

akela34 /Side
account/ (#9034)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2021-03-25 00:43:47
I don't support, because I like the idea of getting combo/raffle bases only through breeding; it feels more like a challenge. I know the percentage is low, but there are only around 250 bases and it feels like it would be "easier" to achieve a combo/raffle base than getting, let's say a rosette from RMA. That's only my personal preference tho :)

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Edited on 25/03/21 @ 00:44:53 by akela34 /Side account/ (#9034)

Posted on
2021-03-25 03:14:43


This has been suggested here already: Link.
If you'd like to, please pledge your support on the thread linked above!
To avoid having duplicate suggestions within the Development Boards, we'll lock your thread.

We hope that you'll understand!

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Topic is locked

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