Posted by Female Adols to automatically Show in Hunting

Flower_of_the_Sun (#36232)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2021-03-25 22:32:56
I thought this suggestion would probably already exist, but when I searched I didn't find anything. (So if it does indeed exist, I apologize.)

As most people probably know, as soon as a male lion reaches adolescence, it automatically appears in the "patrolling" section for training.

My suggestion is simply that female adolescents should work the same way, instead of having to be sent as hunter in order to appear.

It would just give players a little bit less hassle, and reduce the chance of them not realizing a female was now eligible for adol training.

Possible cons: Some may have a lot of female adols and only want to train a few. Having a long list of all of them show up could make it difficult to find the ones they wanted.

Possible Solution: Maybe have some kind of toggle where you could choose "set adols automatically to train" or turn it off?

This suggestion has 10 supports and 4 NO supports.

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